MCM College: Tracing Guia Lighthouse – Guardian of Macao Coast

滿珍紀念書院:追尋東望洋燈塔的足跡 - 澳門海岸之守護者

On 14th September 2024, Alice Hong, resident fellow, and students of Guia House at Moon Chun Memorial College, Univerisity of Macau organized a cultural tour: “Tracing the Guia Lighthouse – Guardian of Macao Coast.” Participants first hiked along Guia Hill Trail, which not only provided physical exercise, but also allowed them to appreciate the natural scenery along the way. Afterwards, they visited the Guia Lighthouse complex. Participants gained a deeper understanding of the historical and cultural significance of the Guia Lighthouse, Guia Military Fort, and Guia Chapel, especially with explanations from a guide from Macau Cultural Affairs Bureau. This excursion enriched students’ knowledge of Macao’s World Cultural Heritage, and enhanced their appreciation of Macau’s local history, architecture, and religious culture, fostering a greater admiration for this small city.

Text: Jacky Yang (Residential Assistant)


2024年9月14日,澳門大學滿珍紀念書院Guia House的導師洪盈惠和學生參與了一趟文化之旅:「追尋東望洋燈塔的足跡 — 澳門海岸之守護者」。參與者先沿著松山健康徑徒步,不僅鍛鍊了身體,還欣賞了沿途的自然風光。隨後,他們參觀了東望洋燈塔建築群。在澳門文化局導賞員的講解下,參與者對澳門燈塔、東望洋炮台及聖母雪地殿聖堂的歷史文化有了更深入的了解。這次旅程讓大家深入認識了澳門的世界文化遺產,豐富了對澳門本地歷史、建築及宗教文化的認識,也增進了對這座小城的欣賞。
