MCM College: A Guided Visit to the Former Residence of Zheng Guan Ying


On 14th September 2024, Mandarin House of Moon Chun Memorial College, University of Macau organised a fascinating cultural excursion to trace the historical origins of the patriot Zheng Guan Ying’s former residence. The Mandarin’s House covers an area of 4,000 square meters and is one of the largest family residences in Macau. It boasts 60 rooms and perfectly showcases elements of traditional Guangdong’s architectural style while seamlessly blending both Asian and Western architectural influences.

The guide provided detailed explanations about how the Mandarin’s House was initiated by Zheng Guan Ying’s father, Zheng Wen Rui, in 1869. When the residence was completed, it offered a panoramic view of the inner harbor, allowing visitors to gaze upon the various ships coming in and out of Macau. It was within this courtyard-style mansion that Zheng Guan Ying composed his masterpiece, “Words of Warning in Times of Prosperity”. This book was read by influential figures, including emperors, Dr. Sun Yat Sen, and Chairman Mao.

This cultural excursion not only deepened participants’ understanding of Zheng Guan Ying’s life and contributions but also fostered a greater appreciation for Macau’s World Cultural Heritage.

Text : Yoyo Tu (Resident Assistant)

2024年9月14日,澳門大學滿珍紀念學院Mandarin House組織了一次引人入勝的文化考察,追溯愛國者鄭觀應故居的歷史起源。鄭家大屋佔地4000平方米,是澳門最大的家族住宅之一,擁有60間房間,完美展示了傳統嶺南風格建築的元素,同時無縫融合了中西方建築風格。


