CKYC-Faculty Monthly Dinner Gathering: A New Initiative for Freshmen Support


To enhance learning support for college freshmen, CKYC launched a monthly dinner gathering. This event is designed to bring together college Fellows, senior students, and freshmen from each faculty to share experiences and insights on various topics, including course content, study plans, summer research opportunities, exchange programs, and selecting majors or directions in the second or third year.

On the evening of 12 September, in the W31-G053, the College hosted the inaugural faculty gathering for the Faculty of Business Administration (FBA). Four College Fellows—Prof. Raymond Loi, Prof. Jennifer Lai, Prof. Chanthika Pornpitakpan, and Prof. Simon Wu—participated in the dinner with 36 FBA students from all five majors within the Faculty. The College Master, Prof. Janny Leung, delivered opening remarks to welcome the Fellows and students.

During the dinner, students sat with professors from their respective majors and engaged in meaningful conversations about their fields of study and other shared experiences. Upperclassmen also provided valuable advice to freshmen on applying for summer research opportunities, exchange programs, and organizing their study plans.

The event was well-received, and all attendees enjoyed the dinner immensely.

Written by: Xiao Yixuan



9月12日晚上,蔡繼有書院在W31-G053舉辦了首場工商管理學院(FBA)聚會。四位來自工商管理學院的非駐院導師——雷智豪教授、黎婉雯教授、Chanthika Pornpitakpan教授和胡玉均教授——與來自工商管理學院五個專業的36名學生共進晚餐。書院院長梁美兒教授致開幕詞,歡迎導師和學生們的到來。





Students from Business Administration and International Integrated Resort Management majors dine with Prof. Jennifer Lai and Prof. Chanthika Pornpitakpan

來自工商管理及國際綜合度假村管理學系的同學與黎婉雯教授及Chanthika Pornpitakpan教授同桌留影

Students from Business Intelligence and Data Analytics major dine with Prof. Simon Wu


Students from Finance and Accounting majors dine with Prof. Raymond Loi
