【Sports Activity】: “UM CICA – Swimming Pool Challenge Fun 2024” was successfully held

【體 . 活動】: 「UM CICA – 水上挑戰賽2024」 圓滿結束

Group photo of Participants 
Group Photos of Winning Teams
Group Photos of 10 Residential Colleges
Activity Photos 
UM CICA Swimming Pool Challenge Fun 2024 was successfully held

“UM CICA – Swimming Pool Challenge Fun 2024” was held successfully on 25 Sep 2024 at UM Sports Complex (N8) and there was a total of 80 UM students participating in this activity.

In order to provide a platform for 10 residential colleges (RC) to have interaction and create great team bonding, Office of Sports Affairs (OSA) and Committee on Inter-College Affairs (CICA) co-organized this Challenge Fun activity, students could interact each other through designated team games.

A total of 10 RC teams participated in this activity for 4 games. The games showed their outstanding teamwork and impressive physical fitness performance, while the Cheng Yu Tung College (CYTC) and Lui Che Woo College (LCWC) team has shown stunning performance with the highest accumulative score among all teams and joint the Champion, Henry Fok Pearl Jubilee College (HFPJC) got the 1st Runner-up and Choi Kai Yau College (CKYC) got the 2nd Runner-up respectively in this activity.  The participants enjoyed a lot in the activity with positive feedback.

Special thanks to all participated teams for their great support.

We would like to share the activity highlight for their great support.

https://go.um.edu.mo/depa7kvo(please use Google Chrome to open the link)

Activity Review

Sophia Lin 
大二 | 工商管理學院 | 滿珍紀念書院


首先我覺得這次的比賽十分有趣,四個環節的遊戲都很可愛很歡樂。“極速小黃鴨”環節每只“小鴨子”都有不一樣的姿態,優雅但高速的“小鴨子”、努力但原地打轉的“小鴨子” ,大家都很努力很歡樂。在“物流奇兵”環節我發現,真的有游泳非常非常厲害的選手,左手漂浮物右手籃子依舊遊得非常快,還有一邊遊一邊丟球的選手特別可愛。在“採椒達人”環節身手靈敏的同學真的太厲害了。最後是“泳池清道夫”這是我最喜歡的環節,也是水上挑戰賽傳統項目,選手們各顯神通上演一場小球爭奪戰真十分有意思,在岸上看也覺得很激動!

總的來說 ,我覺得這次比賽很棒!不管是在環節設置上還是現場協調上都很不錯。不管是體育事務部的老師們、還是學生裁判們、作為救生員的老師們或是各個書院的領隊助理都十分盡職盡責。選手們也是遵守著友誼第一,比賽第二,盡全力拿到更棒的成績,大家都很棒!期待下一年的水上挑戰賽,我們下次見!


李欣雨 (左三)
大一 | 工商管理學院 | 馬萬祺羅柏心書院

水上挑戰賽讓我領略了團隊協作的力量。在激流勇進中,我們相互支持,共同面對挑戰。這次經歷不僅鍛煉了我的體能,更讓我深刻感受到合作與信任的價值。感謝OSA及CICA, 衷心感謝每一位工作人員,你們是活動成功的關鍵!本次活動也給每個書院提供了更大的交流平台,增進了書院間的聯絡和感情,  期待下一年的水上挑戰賽!

大一 | 社會科學學院 | 何鴻燊東亞書院

很榮幸能成為CICA水上挑戰賽的一名工作人員,可以參與到整個遊戲過程。無論是我們的工作過程還是參與者們的表現,都讓我感受到了團隊協作的重要性。 同舟共濟揚帆起。乘風破浪萬里航。光靠自己是無法贏得比賽的,只有當大家都把自己放在整體里互相配合才能達到更優的效果。就比如說第一輪遊戲“極速小黃鴨”,只有左右配合划槳才能快速前進。而讓我更有感觸的是,無論做什麼都要有恆心,相信自己。道阻且長,行則將至。即使開局不利,但只要堅持下去,一定能有機會扳回一局。


Thank you for your attention!

Office of Sports Affairs (OSA)