MCM College: Commencement High Table: Fostering of competences pertinent to knowledge integration and teamwork for students at UM

滿珍紀念書院高桌晚宴: 培養澳大學生知識整合和團隊協作能力以促進學術成就

On the evening of 24th September, 2024, MCM College Master of University of Macau, Professor Kwok-cheung, Cheung welcomed distinguished guests, freshmen and upper-classmen to a traditional Commencement High Table ‘Gaudie’. Gaudium, a term derived from Latin which is a sign of enjoyment or merry-making, typically redolent of celebratory student life in ancient universities Oxford and Cambridge, St Andrews and Aberdeen, as well as the Universities of Durham and Reading.

Distinguished keynote speakers included Prof. Wei Ge, Vice Rector (Research), Prof. Wei Pan, MCMC Senior Fellow, Chair Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, and Prof. Handong Sun, MCMC Senior Fellow, Distinguished Professor, Institute of Applied Physics and Materials Engineering. Their thought-provoking and inspiring speeches covered knowledge integration, and the significance of collaborating with others to work as a team in areas of the science and social science, as well as in today’s fast-changing world.

As Prof. Cheung addressed faculty and students, he also warmly welcomed four highly esteemed guests to the event: Prof. Lianghuo Fan, Chair Professor, Dean, Faculty of Education; Prof. Jun Yu, Chair Professor, Dean, Faculty of Business Administration; Prof. Zikang Tang, Chair Professor, Institute of Applied Physics and Materials Engineering; and Prof. Xingzhong Yu, Chair Professor, Faculty of Law.

Special performances at High Table included Chinese Modern Dance by Lina Huang and Olivia Huang. This was followed by a piano recital by Prof. Zidong Zhou, and Resident Fellow, Dr. Peggy Lau. Shortly after the main course was served, MCMC students presented an Excerpt from the “Carmen Fantasy”, Georges Bizet, featuring Luke Linhan Lyu (Saxophone), Belly BaoQinyi Wang (Piano) and featuring Resident Tutor, Stephanie Rachell Andaluz Almandoz Ramos (Vocals) and Kristina Jingxian Li (Spanish dance).

The event was truly, a memorable ‘Gaudie’, with much enjoyment and merry-making.

“The sharing from other professors during High Table not only broadened my understanding of science, but also highlighted diverse perspectives. I felt inspired and motivated, with a renewed appreciation for collective intelligence we achieved when we united our efforts towards a common goal.” Lulu Liu (College Affiliate – FSS)                                                                                

“Participating in the high-table event alongside students and professors filled me with immense pride as we collectively showcased our skills to the community. Engaging professors and fellow students in meaningful discussions about knowledge, careers, hobbies, and personal interests was achieved, creating a vibrant atmosphere brimming with intellectual curiosity and mutual respect.” – Stephanie Ramos (Resident Tutor)

“At the high table event, we listened to guests’ speeches while dressed in formal attire, reflecting the formality and solemnity of the event. In the process of enjoying western cuisine, we not only learned dining etiquette, but also enhanced our skills and ability to communicate with others. It also provided me with a platform to showcase my talents and improve myself.” – Kristina Li (Freshman)

Opening speech by College Master Prof. Kwok Cheung CHEUNG

Keynote speaker, Prof. Wei Ge, Vice Rector (Research)

Keynote speaker, Prof. Wei Pan, Chair Professor, and MCMC Senior Fellow, Faculty of Social Sciences

Keynote speaker, Prof. Handong Sun, Distinguished Professor, MCMC Senior Fellow, Institute of Applied Physics and Materials Engineering

Guests of honor at High Table

Chinese Modern Dance Performance

Piano Recital Performance

“Carmen Fantasy” Performance – Vocals

“Carmen Fantasy” Performance – Spanish Dance




高桌晚宴的特別表演包括黃莉娜和黃予娜的中國現代舞表演。隨後是周紫東教授和書院導師劉沛棋博士的鋼琴合奏。在主菜上桌後不久,院生表演了喬治·比才的《卡門幻想曲》選段,由呂林翰(薩克斯風)、王寶沁(鋼琴)、書院助教Rachell Andaluz Almandoz Ramos(聲樂)和黎婧賢(西班牙舞蹈)共同演繹。


晚宴上其他教授的分享不僅拓寬了我對科學的理解,也突顯了不同的觀點。晚宴結束時,我感到深受啟發和動力,對當我們齊心協力實現共同目標時所能發揮的集體智慧有了新的認識。– 劉露露教授 (非駐院教員 – 社會科學學院)

  「參加高桌晚宴與學生和教授們一起展示我們的技能,讓我感到無比自豪。我們與教授和同學們進行了關於知識、職業、愛好和個人興趣的有意義討論,營造了一個充滿智力好奇心和相互尊重的活躍氛圍。– Stephanie Ramos (書院助教)

在高桌晚宴上,我們穿著正裝聆聽嘉賓致辭,體現了活動的正式和莊重。在享受西餐的過程中,我們不僅學習了用餐禮儀,還提升了與他人溝通的技巧和能力。也為我提供了一個展現才華、提升自我的平台。黎婧賢 (新生)








