News Express: UM doctoral students present their study at RAPS Convergence



The poster display of the UM students



澳門大學中華醫藥研究院博士生時君楠和陳獻文的研究有助完善現代化藥品監管體系,入選美國醫療法規事務學會(Regulatory Affairs Professionals Society, RAPS)會議,並獲邀於美國2024年全球監管事務年度大會(RAPS Convergence)展示研究成果。

今年大會收到來自全球各地的研究論文,經過專家學者嚴格審核後,最終選出四項研究在年會進行海報展示,其中包括時君楠和陳獻文的論文《通過基準評估提升藥品註冊與上市批准的監管能力建設》(Benchmarking drug regulatory systems for capacity building in registration and marketing authorization)。他們通過基準評估對藥品註冊與上市批准的監管能力,進行系統的分析並提出監管能力構建的建議,藉此助力現代化藥品監管體系的完善。該研究的導師為澳大中華醫藥研究院助理教授、藥品監管科學研究中心副主任吳靄琳和澳大中華醫藥研究院教授胡豪。






UM’s drug regulatory science research presented at RAPS Convergence

A study by Shi Junnan and Chen Xianwen, doctoral students in the Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences (ICMS) at the University of Macau (UM), was accepted by the Regulatory Affairs Professionals Society (RAPS). They were invited to present their research at the RAPS Convergence 2024 in the US. The study contributes to the enhancement of modern drug regulatory systems.

This year’s RAPS Convergence received research papers from around the world. After rigorous review by experts and scholars, four studies were selected for the Student Capstone Poster Display, including ‘Benchmarking drug regulatory systems for capacity building in registration and marketing authorization’ by Shi and Chen. They carried out a systematic analysis of regulatory capacity in drug registration and marketing authorisation through benchmarking and made suggestions on regulatory capacity building, with the aim of enhancing modern drug regulatory systems. The study was supervised by Ung Oi Lam, assistant professor in ICMS and deputy director of the Centre for Pharmaceutical Regulatory Sciences, UM; and Hu Hao, professor in ICMS. In addition, Shi served as a student ambassador for the RAPS Convergence and assisted in event coordination and management.

To read the news on UM’s official website, please visit the following link: