A Cultural Journey through the Development of City and Culture Exchange Program in Beijing


This year’s “Development of City and Culture Exchange Program” was held at Fengru College, Beihang University, from September 28th to October 2nd, 2024. Launched in 2019, this initiative is a collaboration among Choi Kai Yau College (University of Macau), Meng Xiancheng College (East China Normal University), Chongshi College (Xi’an Jiaotong University), and Fengru College (Beihang University). Every year, students and teachers from these institutions visit Beijing, Xi’an, Shanghai, and Macau to exchange culture and knowledge.

The program delves into the cultural essence of these cities, allowing participants to immerse themselves in local atmospheres and enhancing their cultural literacy and exchange skills. Through mutual visits and social activities, it aims to instill patriotism, a global perspective, and a commitment to promoting Chinese traditional culture.

The group arrived in Beijing and received a warm welcome from hosts. The following day featured an opening ceremony, a themed salon, and visited the Mutianyu section of the Great Wall. The program also included educational tours, starting with Beihang University’s Shahe campus and the Center for Micro-Nano Innovation, where participants learned about cutting-edge research and technology. Students were divided into groups to explore Beijing’s cultural heritage, with visits to the China National Arts and Crafts Museum, Yuanmingyuan, the Summer Palace, Tiananmen Square, the Forbidden City, Olympic Forest Park, the Bird’s Nest, and the Water Cube. The closing ceremony featured presentations from three groups—The Humanistic Beijing, The Ancient Beijing, and The Nature Beijing. Staff representatives from each college provided feedback on the students’ presentation, and encouraging continued patriotic enthusiasm and the fostering of friendships among the four colleges.

The program concluded with heartfelt farewells, and students departed with a deeper understanding of Beijing’s cultural legacy and a renewed commitment to promoting Chinese traditional culture.

Text: Yu Shuchen


2024年「城市與文化發展」書院互訪計劃第三站, 於9月28至10月2日在北京航空航天大學馮如書院舉行。該計劃自2019年啟動,由澳門大學蔡繼有書院、華東師範大學孟憲承書院、西安交通大學崇實書院、北京航空航天大學馮如書院聯合舉辦。四地書院的師生們每年會輪流到北京、西安、上海、澳門進行深度參訪與交流。項目以探尋四地城市文化為主題,引導學生感受不同城市、不同地域的文化氛圍,提高文化素養和學習交流能力。並透過四地互訪、社會實踐活動,培養同學具有家國情懷和國際視野,傳承弘揚優秀中國傳統文化。

團隊抵達北京後,受到了主辦方的熱情歡迎。隨後舉行了開幕式和主題沙龍,並參觀了慕田峪長城。行程還包括一系列教育機構參訪活動, 參與者前往北京航空航天大學的沙河校區和微納創新中心,深入了解尖端研究和技術。期後學生們被分成小組,探索北京的文化遺產,參觀了中國國家工藝美術博物館、798藝術區、圓明園、頤和園、天安門廣場、故宮、奧林匹克森林公園、鳥巢和水立方等。在閉幕式上,三個小組(人文北京、中軸北京和自然北京) 分享小組學習成果。各書院教師代表也對學員展示進行點評, 對學生收穫友誼、活動圓滿成功的由衷欣慰,對四校締結情誼、持續發展進步的深切希望,對學員永葆愛國熱情、實現自我價值的真摯祝福。

文: 俞姝辰


Group photo of ice breaking 院生在破冰遊戲環節合影

Group photo at the front of Mu Tian Yu (The Great Wall) 院生在長城(慕田峪段)留影

Group photo at the front of Beihang University 院生在北京航空航天大學留影