CKYC 10th anniversary’s soccer and basketball game


On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the establishment of Choi Kai Yau College, the college organized a soccer game and a three-on-three basketball game. These events attracted many alumni to return and participate in this grand celebration with the students. Through these sports competitions, not only was there an enhancement of mutual understanding between the alumni and the students, but also a deep friendship was forged among them during the games. These activities not only strengthened the connections among the alumni but also allowed the students to feel the warmth of the college’s big family.

The alumni highly praised this event. One alumnus who participated in the soccer game said, “This soccer game reminded me of the little moments I experienced at the college. Running on the field with the juniors made me feel much younger.” He also mentioned that such activities not only tighten the connections among alumni but also provide them with the opportunity to pass on their experiences to the students.

Another alumnus, who graduated years ago, shared his feelings after the basketball game, “Returning to the college and participating in the competition with the students allowed me to feel the vitality and warmth of the college. This kind of activity is a continuation of the college’s spirit and is part of our shared memories.”

The college also stated that these activities not only celebrated the college’s tenth birthday but also provided an opportunity to showcase the college’s philosophy of ‘holistic education.’ The college hopes that through such interactive activities, there can be more interaction between students and alumni, creating more memories together. This 10th-anniversary celebration is not only a celebration of the past ten years but also a look forward to the future. Choi Kai Yau College will continue to adhere to the concept of cultivating students’ comprehensive development, providing students with more diverse learning and growth opportunities.



校友們對這次活動給予了高度評價。一位參與足球賽的龔校友表示:“這次的足球比賽讓我回想起了在書院的點點滴滴,與學弟們一起在場上奔跑,感覺自己又年輕了許多。” 他還提到,這種活動不僅讓校友之間的聯繫更加緊密,也讓他們有機會將自己的經驗傳承給年輕的院生。

