Reminder : Update / Terminate “Special Authorization to Stay” for Non-local Graduate Students (Change of Degree Programmes)
溫馨提示: 非本地畢業生更新/註銷「逗留特別許可」 (更改學位課程)
- 已於外地學生「逗留特別許可」網上綜合系統提交申請,但仍未完成辦理餘下手續(如:錄取指紋)的新生,必須於逗留期限屆滿前帶備入境時所使用的護照/旅行證件/身份證明文件正本及「申請二維碼」親臨出入境事務大樓辦理餘下申請手續,以免發生逾期逗留情況。
- 已於上述系統提交申請,並已完成辦理申請手續的新生,必須在《申請收據》上指定的日期前,透過治安警察局自助服務機或親臨出入境事務大樓領取《逗留許可憑條》,以便合法在本澳逗留。
地址: |
澳門氹仔北安碼頭一巷治安警察局出入境事務大樓 |
電話: |
(853) 2872 5488 |
傳真: |
(853) 8897 0300 |
電郵: |
星期一至四 |
09:00 – 17:45 |
Dear Students,
In accordance with the Macao Law, for those graduated non-local students who plan to pursue another degree programmes in Macao, please terminate the original “Special Authorization to Stay” and re-apply for it by using the new degree programmes identity. Therefore, please approach to the Macao Immigration Building for terminating the “Special Authorization to Stay” before the expiration date. For those students who would like to extend the limit of stay in Macao, please apply for the ordinary “Authorization to Stay” on the same day after terminating the original “Special Authorization to Stay” in order to avoid overstaying in Macao.
In addition, Student Resources Section (SRS) has arranged the application for “Special Authorization to Stay” to all non-local freshmen on the commencement of new academic year, please be reminded to keep an eye on the following information
For freshmen who have submitted an application via the Integrated Online System for “Special Authorization to Stay” but have not completed the procedures (such as taking fingerprint), please prepare the original passport/ travel document and the “application QR Code” generated by the online system to the Immigration Building in person to complete the remaining procedures to avoid overstaying.
For freshmen who have completed the application procedures, please be reminded to collect the “Authorization to Stay Receipt” via the self-service machine of the Public Security Police Force or approach to the Immigration Building in person before the valid date specified on the “application receipt” in order to stay in Macao legally.
Caution: In accordance with the Macao Law, all non-local students MUST obtained the “Special Authorization to Stay”. Failing to comply with this requirement will result in violation of the law and serious consequence.
Immigration Building
Address: |
Immigration Building of the Public Security Police Force, Travessa Um do Casis de Pac On, Taipa, Macao |
Telephone: |
(853) 2872 5488 |
Fax: |
(853) 8897 0300 |
E-mail: |
Office Hour:
Monday to Thrursday |
09:00 – 17:45 |
(Note:No break at lunch hour)
Thank you for your attention!
Student Resources Section
Student Affairs Office