News Express: UM rector attends International Forum on Higher Education



The International Forum on Higher Education is held in Beijing





中國高等教育學會副會長、澳大校長宋永華受邀在專題演講環節分享澳大與葡語國家的教育、科學和文化合作經驗。他表示,澳大堅持“立足澳門,共建灣區,融入國家,走向世界”的發展定位。在結合了“戰略性”(Strategic)、“實質性”(Substantial)、“具體性”(Specific)、“可持續性”(Sustainable)目標的“4S” 國際化戰略下,澳大積極拓展與全球各地大學的學術交流和合作,支持優勢學科和重點科研領域與世界一流大學和頂尖科研機構對接,重點關注與葡語國家的交流,推動了學生交流、人才聯合培養、聯盟合作、共建研究平台等一系列富有成效的合作,鞏固和提升澳大的國際化特色。




UM rector attends International Forum on Higher Education

Yonghua Song, rector of the University of Macau (UM), attended the 2024 International Forum on Higher Education in Beijing. The event brought together nearly 500 guests and representatives from over 30 countries and regions to discuss scientific and technological innovation and sustainable development in global higher education.

Song, who also serves as vice president of the China Association of Higher Education, was invited to give a speech at the forum. He spoke about UM’s cooperation with Portuguese-speaking countries in the fields of education, science, and culture. He mentioned that under the ‘4S’ (Strategic, Substantial, Specific, and Sustainable) internationalisation strategy, UM actively expands academic exchanges and collaboration with universities worldwide and has established partnerships with world-class universities and top research institutions in leading disciplines and key research areas, with a particular focus on strengthening ties with Portuguese-speaking countries through various initiatives.

To read the news on UM’s official website, please visit the following link: