External Activity: Invitation to Take Part in a Charity Walk (2 Nov)


The following information is provided by the Peace and Hope Centre of the Macau Medical Mission and posted by the Public Relations Section of the Communications Office.

The Peace and Hope Centre of the Macau Medical Mission is a non-profit organisation established in 2003 in Macao. The centre is dedicated to providing palliative services and grief counselling to cancer patients and their families, helping them receive appropriate care, dignity, and peace in the face of illness, suffering, and death. The centre also promotes and organises talks and professional training on life and death education and grief counselling for the general public in Macao.

The Peace and Hope Centre will hold a charity walk on 2 November 2024 (Saturday) to gain the support of the community and arouse the public’s care for cancer patients. Please refer to the leaflet (link) for details of the event and registration. For enquiries, please contact the Peace and Hope Centre at 2857 8241.


協安中心將於2024年11月2日(星期六)舉行「結伴光中行」步行籌款2024,期望獲得澳門各界有心人士的支持,從中喚起社會人士對癌症病患者的關愛。籌款活動及報名詳情請參閱宣傳單張 (連結)。如有查詢,請致電2857 8241與該中心黃小姐或洪小姐聯絡。