MCM College Microeconomic tutorial Series I


The University of Macau’s Moon Chun Memorial College Resident Tutor, Benson Lin, held the first tutorial on Microeconomics on October 16, 2024. He provided students with practical insights into key economic concepts, offering a clear explanation of the knowledge framework and summarizing important topics. This helped participants understand the logic and connections between concepts.

The session focused on both theory and real-world applications, enabling students to analyze economic models and charts, which enhanced their ability to apply theories to real-world phenomena and strengthened knowledge integration.

The interactive Q&A session was particularly valuable, helping students clarify doubts, fill knowledge gaps, and improve independent thinking, enabling them to approach economic problems more effectively.

澳門大學滿珍紀念書院小導師林浩祥於2024 年 10 月 16 日為學生舉行了第一次微觀經濟學輔導課,為學生們帶來了深刻的經濟概念洞見。他不僅清楚地闡述了知識框架,也總結了關鍵主題,幫助參與者理解概念之間的邏輯連結。



「這次活動主要梳理了一下BECO1000這門課程的大體框架,並將知識點進行了一個跨單元銜接。整體上來說,氣氛輕鬆愉快,參與的同學們可以很好的跟上學長的講解速度,也會積極地回答有關問題,並針對自己的不懂之處及時地提出,大家經過討論也能夠很好的解決問題。對基本原理和知識點有了更深入的理解和記憶,也對考試要點有了更清晰的認知。總的來說,這次活動收穫良多,是一次非常有意義的學術輔導活動。」 — 劉紫凡