MCM College: UM Mental Health Awareness Month – “The Girl Who Dreamed” Writing Journey Sharing Session

滿珍紀念書院:澳大心理健康推廣月系列活動 - 《追夢的少女》寫作歷程分享會

On 14th October, 2024, Moon Chun Memorial College, University of Macau hosted a writing journey sharing session, inviting an award-winning Hong Kong writer, Ms. Sonia Leung, to share her epic journey of writing and publishing her memoir, The Girl Who Dreamed: A Hong Kong Memoir of Triumph against the Odds. This book is a memoir of the author’s childhood spent in mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. During the sharing session, Leung shared with the participants reading, writing, and walking, as mentioned in the book, helped restore her mental health over the years after experiencing traumatic events, and thereby free herself from the darkness of the past. She encouraged students to re-examine their perspectives on stressful events in life, thus allowing them to discover a different side of themselves and see a broader world.

What an inspiration to learn that adversity in life, such as mental health challenges, can be overcome using the power of words: reading and writing. In other words, words can help to inspire and uplift our heart, mind and spirit.” – Prof. Siew Huat Kong (College Affiliate–FBA)

“Hearing Sonia speak about overcoming childhood trauma and finding healing through writing and creativity opened my eyes to the transformative power of storytelling. The engaging Q&A session provided a platform for the author, professors, and students to reflect on how we can all learn from difficult experiences.” – Onofre Hoi (Year 3 Student, FLL)

“I was deeply moved by Sonia’s story, and I admired the way she found in the writing process a way to overcome her traumas and finding some inner peace. After hearing her writing journey, something shifted within me. I felt inspired to reconnect with that younger me, daydreaming with pen and paper. I feel ready to get back to writing. Back to myself.” –  Tatiana Rodriguez (Year 2 Student, FST)

“From Sonia’s sharing, I learned that writing can document people’s lives and serve as a vessel for their experiences. The style and structure of writing are not as important as the genuine emotions that can be shared and expressed.” — Adele Feng (Year 1 Student, FHS)


「了解到生活中的逆境,例如心理健康問題,可以通過文字的力量來克服:閱讀和寫作,這是多麼鼓舞人心的事情!換句話說,文字可以激勵和提升我們的心靈。」 —  江紹發教授 (非駐院教員-工商管理學院)

「聽Sonia講述如何克服童年創傷並通過寫作和創造力找到治癒的方法,讓我看到了講故事的改變力量。引人入勝的問答環節為作者、教授和學生們提供了一個平台,讓大家反思我們如何從困難的經歷中學習。」— 許懷熹 (大三學生,法學院)

「Sonia的故事深深打動了我,我欽佩她在寫作過程中找到克服創傷並找到內心平靜的方法。聽了她的寫作旅程後,我內心發生了變化。我感到受到啟發,想重新連結那個年輕的自己,帶著筆和紙做白日夢。我覺得自己準備好重新開始寫作,重新找回自己。」 —  Tatiana Rodriguez (大二學生,科技學院)

「從Sonia的分享中,我了解到寫作可以記錄人們的生活,並成為他們經歷的載體。寫作的風格和結構並不重要,重要的是可以分享和表達的真實情感。」 — 馮昀昀 (大一學生,健康科學學院)