Safe School Network Bulletin by Judiciary Police



Dear students,

The Judiciary Police (PJ) has recently received multiple reports of telephone fraud. Offenders often assumed the identity of workers from telecommunication companies, delivery companies, and government agencies. To steal information for fraudulent purposes, they would claim there had been irregularities in the transaction records in the victims’ accounts and requested victims to provide identification, bank account
information and credit card details for verification. 
As students were among victims in these scams, PJ would like to remind students to be extra careful upon receiving unknown calls.
To prevent incurring losses, do not readily believe in the identity of the caller and should neither reveal personal information, nor transfer or remit money to strangers. 

Tips for fraud prevention:
1. Pay close attention to the information published by the Judiciary Police and remind your friends and family to stay alert.
2. When conducting investigations, government and public interest entities usually supply information for verification rather than ask the public for details.
3. Scammers can manipulate caller ID via software so do not trust the identity of any unknown caller. Instead, phone the relevant agencies for confirmation.
4. Do not disclose personal information, transfer or remit money per strangers’ requests.
5. If you suspect you have encountered telephone scam, stay calm and immediately contact Judiciary Police’s Anti-scam hotline 8800 7777.


The Youth Concern Group
Community Policing and Public Relations
Division of the Judiciary Police



1. 多留意本局所發放的警務資訊,並提醒親友保持警覺;
2. 任何政府部門或公營機構在進行調查工作時,會主動報出巿民的身份資料作核實,而非要求市民提供資料;
3. 騙徒可通過軟件任意設置來電號碼,故不要盡信陌生人自稱的身份,應直接致電相關機構核實查證;
4. 切勿隨便應陌生人要求披露個人資料、進行匯款或轉帳;
5. 如懷疑遇到電話詐騙時,應保持冷靜並立即致電本局防騙熱線 88007777。

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如欲瞭解更多不法份子的作案手法及防罪方法,歡 迎 瀏 覽 本 局 網 頁(。


