News Express: UM students create videos to celebrate anniversaries of PRC and Macao SAR



冠軍由“See We隊”奪得
The team ‘See We’ wins the championship



為慶祝中華人民共和國成立75周年、澳門特別行政區成立25周年,並鼓勵大學生關心社會,澳門大學學生事務部與學生會傳播學會合辦第二屆“短片拍攝比賽”,吸引約200名澳大學生圍繞“薈萃之城”主題創作短片,展示澳門作為多元文化的歷史名城。比賽冠軍由“See We隊”隊伍奪得。


比賽包括講解會、培訓工作坊及決賽,最後由“See We隊”奪得冠軍。“See We隊”的作品名稱是《澳門印象》,以主角來澳十年的親身經歷為主軸,與澳門十年間的發展共同脈動,並圍繞中樂為創作理念,展現自1987年澳門中樂團成立以來,以中樂為載體推進的中西方文化交融。影片展示澳門特區實施“一國兩制”以來,中外文化在澳門交融繁華發展,傳達堅定文化自信的價值觀。







UM students create videos to celebrate anniversaries of PRC and Macao SAR

In celebration of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China and the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the Macao SAR, the Student Affairs Office of the University of Macau (UM) and the Communication Society of the University of Macau Students’ Union organised the second Video Shooting Competition. The competition attracted around 200 UM students, who created videos under the theme ‘City of Multi-culture’ to showcase Macao as a historic city that features multiculturalism. The team ‘See We’ won the championship.

Speaking at the event, Sou I, president of the Communication Society and coordinator of the competition, noted that video has become a popular means of communication nowadays, especially among young people. The competition, which used video as a medium, allowed participants to showcase Macao’s heritage sites, culinary delights, and festive activities using innovative and creative means.

The winning team’s video revolves around the protagonist’s personal experiences in Macao over the past decade and how the Macao Chinese Orchestra has promoted the integration of Chinese and Western cultures through Chinese music. The film shows how different cultures continue to flourish in Macao after the implementation of the ‘one country, two systems’ policy, and conveys a sense of cultural confidence. All the participating videos were uploaded to various social media platforms and together received nearly ten thousand likes, shares, and views in total.

To read the news on UM’s official website, please visit the following link: