News Express: UM holds third Festival of Chinese Culture



UM holds the third Festival of Chinese Culture






中國文化節的核心項目有三大系列:一、中國歷史文化之宣講、宣傳、宣教系列;二、中國歷史文化之展覽、展演、展示系列;三、中國文化與澳門文化之論壇、論叢、論辯系列。其中,涵蓋了“金石同心”蘇港澳篆刻聯展、“霜華古韻 濠鏡秋色”傳統文化節︰“華服之夜”主題晚會、“中國心、回歸頌”大灣區書畫作品創作展、“表演節目:《衣被天下》、《貂蟬拜月》”、“中國文化(澳門)論壇”、大雅講壇—中華茶文化、走進京劇、非遺刺繡、觸摸千年的文化脈絡、中國水墨扇面工作坊等共60多個項目。詳情請瀏覽:


UM holds third Festival of Chinese Culture

To promote Chinese culture and create an atmosphere conducive to learning Chinese culture on campus, in local schools and in the local community, the University of Macau (UM) is currently holding the third Festival of Chinese Culture, which runs from October to December. Through a series of creative activities, students have the opportunity to learn about traditional Chinese culture in a relaxed manner, thus sparking their interest in Chinese history and culture and enhancing their understanding of Chinese heritage.

The third Festival of Chinese Culture is organised by UM, with guidance from the Department of Education and Youth Affairs of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Macao SAR, the Culture and Tourism Department of Henan Province, the Cultural Affairs Bureau of the Macao SAR Government, the Education and Youth Development Bureau of the Macao SAR Government, the Macao Foundation, and the Federation of Associations of Cultural Sectors of Macau.

A series of warm-up activities and competitions have been held since the end of October, with core activities in full swing in November at the UM campus, UM’s base for the promotion of Chinese history and culture, as well as UM’s partner units in Henan, Guangdong, Jiangsu, Shaanxi, Sichuan, and Zhejiang. Some activities will continue until December. The festival features three core series of activities: 1) lectures, promotions, and educational activities on Chinese history and culture; 2) exhibitions, performances, and demonstrations on Chinese history and culture; and 3) forums, seminars, and debates on Chinese culture and Macao culture. There are more than 60 activities in total. For more details, please visit

To read the news on UM’s official website, please visit the following link: