MCM College: 3rd Festival of Chinese Culture – “Bamboo Weaving Wind Chime” Workshop

滿珍紀念書院:第三屆中國文化節 - 竹編風鈴工作坊

In response to the 3rd Chinese Culture Festival, Mandarin House of Moon Chun Memorial College, University of Macau held a “Bamboo Weaving Wind Chime” Workshop on 12th November 2024. The workshop featured special guest, Ms. Angel Chan, Confucius Institute, University of Macau, who introduced the long history, process, characteristics, classification, value, and heritage of bamboo weaving. Participants not only listened to an engaging lecture but also experienced the process of making bamboo wind chimes firsthand. During the workshop, everyone had the opportunity to closely appreciate exquisite bamboo weaving artworks. Many participants expressed that this experience gave them a deeper understanding and a more vivid appreciation of bamboo weaving. Several participants mentioned that the process of making wind chimes by hand was both fun and challenging. They felt a great sense of satisfaction when they saw their completed creations after two hours of work. This workshop not only enhanced communication among participants, but also allowed full immersion into the charm of this ancient craft of weaving their own wind chime memories.

Text: Lucky Dong (Resident Resident)

為響應第三屆中國文化節,澳門大學滿珍紀念書院Mandarin House於2024年11月12日舉辦竹編風鈴工作坊。此次工作坊特別邀請了澳門大學孔子學院陳依琪老師介紹竹編工藝的悠久歷史,工序、特點及分類,價值和傳承。參與者不僅聆聽了精彩講解,還親手體驗了竹編風鈴的製作過程。在工作坊中,大家近距離欣賞了精美的竹編藝術品。參與者紛紛表示,這次體驗讓他們對竹編工藝有了更深的理解和更鮮活的欣賞角度。多位參與者表示,親手製作風鈴的過程既有趣又富有挑戰。經過兩小時的製作,當他們看到自己的作品完成時,他們感到非常滿足。此次工作坊不僅增進了參與者之間的交流,也讓大家充分沉浸在這門古老技藝的魅力之中,編織出屬於自己的風鈴記憶。
