News Express: Secretary of state for higher education of Republic of Angola leads delegation to visit UM



宋永華(右)和Eugénio Adolfo Alves da Silva
Yonghua Song (right) and Eugénio Adolfo Alves da Silva



安哥拉共和國高等教育、科學、技術和創新國務部高等教育國務秘書Eugénio Adolfo Alves da Silva今(26)日率領代表團到訪澳門大學,獲澳大校長宋永華和副校長馬許願(Rui Martins)熱情接待。雙方就推動兩地的學術科研合作及人才培養進行了深入交流。


Eugénio Adolfo Alves da Silva對澳大的成就高度讚賞,並表示澳大一直以來積極推動與葡語系高校的合作和人才培養,助力非洲國家高校培養人才和提高教學質量,同時促進各方文化交流。這樣的合作模式既增進兩地的友誼,也為未來的發展奠定堅實的基礎。他強調會繼續支持澳大推進與安哥拉在高等教育和人才培養方面的交流合作,期望雙方在更多領域展開深入合作。




Secretary of state for higher education of Republic of Angola leads delegation to visit UM

A delegation led by Eugénio Adolfo Alves da Silva, secretary of state for higher education of the Republic of Angola, visited the University of Macau (UM) today (26 November), and was warmly received by UM Rector Yonghua Song and Vice Rector Rui Martins. The two parties had in-depth discussions on promoting academic and research collaboration and talent cultivation between Macao and Angola.

Rector Song gave an overview of the history of higher education in Macao, and the current development of UM in terms of academic and scientific research, international cooperation, campus development, and student services. Vice Rector Martins talked about the current cooperation projects and alliances between UM and higher education institutions in Portuguese-speaking countries, UM’s International Student Scholarship, as well as the status of Angolan students studying at UM.

Eugénio Adolfo Alves da Silva highly praised UM’s achievements, noting that UM’s efforts to promote cooperation and talent cultivation with institutions in Portuguese-speaking countries have helped African institutions nurture talent and improve teaching quality, while also fostering cultural exchanges. He will continue to support UM in promoting exchanges and cooperation with Angola in higher education and talent cultivation, and expressed hope for deeper cooperation.

The delegation visited ‘The Wall of Great Wisdom’, the University Gallery, and the UM Wu Yee Sun Library. They also met with several Angolan students currently studying at UM to learn about their studies and life at the university. The delegation spoke highly of UM’s campus facilities and environment.

To read the news on UM’s official website, please visit the following link: