(3 Dec, 19:00, E34-G011) FAH-DAD Art and Academic Lecture Series No.13 : Great Shape and Spiritual World (1 SAO Smart Point and 30 CS)

(12月3日, 19:00, E34-G011) 人文學院藝術與設計系 : 藝術與學術系列講壇之十三: 偉大的造型與精神世界 [1粒至叻星、30個CS]

On-site Participating Students will be awarded 1 SAO Smart Point and 30 CS on“Knowledge integration” in the Whole Person Development Award Programme

FAH-DAD Art and Academic Lecture Series No.13 : Great Shape and Spiritual World

人文學院藝術與設計系 : 藝術與學術系列講壇之十三: 偉大的造型與精神世界


Plastic art has a profound interactive relationship with human spiritual life. lt not only carries the spiritual heights and values of various eras, but also displays the rich levels of human history, art and culture through the expressions of different civilizations. This lecture will provide an introduction to the plastic arts in different civilizations through rich visual presentations, and explore their unique characteristics, reflecting the lofty status of the plastic arts in human history. Through this explanation, we aim to deepen our understanding of the great achievements in the history of plastic arts and further understand its important contributions in the long history.


日期Date: 3/12/2024 (TUE)

時間Time: 19:00 – 21:00

地點Venue: 崇文樓 (E34) G011演講廳 / 線上Online 

講者Speaker: 朝戈教授 / Prof. CHAO Ge

語言Language: 普通話 Mandarin

Zoom Link: https://umac.zoom.us/ j/ 5701570531?pwd=aY1yxfLDEzHdP1Xid6heetot19lmb1.1&omn=98484020493

Zoom ID: 570 157 0531
Password: DAD2024