(2 Dec, 19:00, E34-G011) FAH-DAD Art and Academic Lecture Series No.12 : Qi-Accumulating as Form: the “Breath” of Song Dynasty Painting (1 SAO Smart Point and 30 CS)
On-site Participating Students will be awarded 1 SAO Smart Point and 30 CS on“Knowledge integration” in the Whole Person Development Award Programme
FAH-DAD Art and Academic Lecture Series No.12 : Qi-Accumulating as Form: the “Breath” of Song Dynasty Painting
人文學院藝術與設計系 : 藝術與學術系列講壇之十二 : 氣合有形:宋畫的氣息
Professor Lin will use a large number of paintings from the Northern and Southern Song Dynasties as examples to explore the historical understanding and expression of concepts such as “emptiness”,”being””qi”, “propensity”, and “force”. This will lead our attention to the pinnacle achievements of the Song Dynasty landscape paintings by Li Cheng, Fan Kuan, and Guo Xi. Professor Lin will then use the idea of the”Misty Qi of Southern China” as a way to explore the southern school tradition initiated by Ju Ran of the Five Dvnasties and continued by painters such as Ma Yuan and Mu Xi of the Song Dynasty. Professor Lin would take the idea that “Qi gives birth to vitality and life” to summarize the inspiration that Song paintings may offer to contemporary artistic practices.
日期Date: 2/12/2024 (MON)
時間Time: 19:00 – 21:00
地點Venue: 崇文樓 (E34) G011演講廳 / 線上Online
語言Language: 普通話 Mandarin
Zoom Link: https://umac.zoom.us/ j/ 5701570531?pwd=aY1yxfLDEzHdP1Xid6heetot19lmb1.1&omn=93174421839
Zoom ID: 570 157 0531
Password: DAD2024