News Express: UM Centre for Macau Studies holds Annual Conference of Macao Studies



UM Centre for Macau Studies holds the Fourth Annual Conference of Macao Studies







是次年會設有9個子論壇,包括全球中國與葡語國家、跨境合作、政經轉型、區域連結、文化啓蒙等,以線上及線下結合的形式進行。年會邀請了夏威夷大學教授Cathryn Clayton以及新加坡國立大學教授Kah-Wee Lee作主旨演講。Cathryn Clayton就“拆解澳門:全球亞洲的思考”為題,以全球亞洲作為分析方法,分別以聯繫、分解及流動三個層次,從澳門作為家鄉、作為歷史主體、作為符號三個方面探討了澳門的歷史變化,並對澳門和全球之間的相互構成和多元化進行討論;Kah-Wee Lee則以“從比較的角度看千禧年後亞洲的賭業城市主義”為題,以博彩公司提供的免費接駁巴士為切入點,選擇了新加坡、澳門和馬尼拉三個案例進行比較分析,探討了三地博彩業的發展異同與其各自對當地公共交通的影響,思考其背後基於博彩業發展形成的城市發展規劃邏輯。



UM Centre for Macau Studies holds Annual Conference of Macao Studies

The Centre for Macau Studies (CMS) of the University of Macau (UM) and the Macao Foundation jointly held the Fourth Annual Conference of Macao Studies (2024). This year’s conference, themed ‘Macao in Global China and Global Asia’, brought together scholars from Macao and around the world to discuss Macao’s role in the process of globalisation. The event also provided a platform for scholars from Macao and beyond to discuss related topics.

Speaking at the event, Ge Wei, vice rector of UM, said that Macao’s close ties with Portugal and its geographical location at the estuary of the Pearl River Delta further enhance its role in cultural exchange and international trade, making it a focal point for discussing the strategies of ‘Global China’ and the interconnectivity of ‘Global Asia’. He expressed hope that the conference would enhance participants’ understanding of Macao’s strategic position in ‘Global China’ and ‘Global Asia’.

Wu Zhiliang, president of the Administrative Committee of the Macao Foundation, expressed hope that the conference would enhance the international community’s understanding of China’s culture, system, and development, as well as Macao’s role and functions, thus promoting positive recognition of China’s efforts to build a community with a shared future for mankind.

Agnes Lam Iok Fong, director of UM CMS, said that since its inception in 2019, the Annual Conference of Macao Studies has provided a platform for scholars from around the world to engage in academic dialogue and collaboration on Macao studies. This year’s conference allowed participants to explore Macao’s role and functions in the context of China, Asia and beyond from cultural, political, economic, and historical perspectives. In addition, in celebration of the 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Portugal, the conference featured two special forums where scholars from Portugal and Brazil presented their papers.

The two-day annual conference, which was held in a hybrid format, featured nine panels, covering topics such as ‘Global China’ and the Portuguese-speaking countries, cross-border cooperation, political and economic transformation, regional connectivity, and cultural enlightenment.

To read the news on UM’s official website, please visit the following link: