FED – Exchange Programme on “Educational Assessment and Monitoring” of the Ten Thousand Talents Programme 2024 Collaborated with Beijing Normal University (BNU)
教育學院 ─ 第五屆北京師範大學與澳門大學教育評估監測人才交流項目
From 15 to 18 December 2024, an exchange group of 6 postgraduate students from the Faculty of Education (FED) at the University of Macau (UM), led by Prof. Pou Seong SIT and Prof. Fu CHEN, went to Beijing Normal University at Zhuhai (BNUZH) to participate in the exchange programme on “Educational Assessment and Monitoring” of the Ten Thousand Talents Programme 2024. This exchange programme was jointly organized by ETARC and the Collaborative Innovation Center of Assessment for Basic Education Quality of BNU.
During the exchange programme, the group first listened to seminars “Application of Results of National Compulsory Education Quality Monitoring” by Prof. Ping REN from BNUZH, and “Development of Mathematical Literacy Assessment Items – Practices in Item Development and Exchange on Evaluation Methods and Techniques” by Dr. Lidong WANG from BNUZH. Principal Zuoping LIU from Zhuhai Phoenix Middle School delivered an academic lecture on “Implementation and Achievements in Cultivating Technological Innovation Talents and Applying Core Competencies”. Additionally, Prof. Kwok Cheung CHEUNG of FED, also attended the opening ceremony of the event, where he delivered a speech and reported on the achievements of the “TIMSS 2023 Study” in Macao. Meanwhile, Prof. Pou Seong SIT shared insights on the “PISA 2022 Creative Thinking Study.”
Furthermore, Mr. Jiakan LAI from Zhuhai Phoenix Middle School organized the seminar on “Science and Technology Innovation Activities in Basic Education”. Mr. Lai explained to UM experts and students the topics of AI Science and Technology Innovation Curriculum Design, Textbook Compilation, Practical Applications, and Effectiveness Evaluation, and engaged in in-depth discussions and experience sharing with the experts and students present. In the end, Prof. Hongbo WEN from BNUZH presented certificates of completion to UM students, encouraging them to contribute to the field of educational assessment and monitoring in their future studies and careers.
Throughout this programme, the exchange group also visited Zhuhai Qunxian Primary School and Phoenix Middle School. Focused on the theme of “Educational Assessment and Monitoring,” this exchange programme not only broadened the students’ horizons and strengthened their patriotism and sense of identity with their motherland but also greatly sparked their interest in educational assessment and monitoring, promoting exchanges and collaboration between the two sides.
Photo Sharing:
A group photo of UM and BNUZH experts and students |
Dr. Lidong WANG’s lecture sharing |
UM students’ photo outside the venue |
Visit to Zhuhai Phoenix Middle School |
UM Students interacting with Zhuhai Qunxian Primary School students |
Presentation of certificates |
Thank you for your kind attention.
Faculty of Education
2024年12月15日至18日,教育學院一行六名在讀碩士生在薛寶嫦教授及陳 孚教授的帶領下前往北京師範大學珠海校區,參加了由澳門大學教育學院教育測驗與評核研究中心與北京師範大學中國基礎教育質量監測協同創新中心共同舉辦的第五屆「澳門大學與北京師範大學教育評估監測人才交流活動」。
交流活動中,交流團師生分別參加了由北師大任萍教授主講的「國家義務教育質量監測的結果應用」、王立東博士主講的「數學素養監測試題開發研習 – 監測試題開發實踐與測評方法技術交流」,以及珠海市鳳凰中學劉佐平校長主講的「開展科技創新人才培養、核心素養落地實施方面的做法和成績」專題講座。同時,教育學院張國祥教授亦出席了是次交流活動的開幕禮並致辭,以及報告了「TIMSS 2023研究」澳門所取得的成果,而薛寶嫦教授則就「PISA 2022創造性思維研究」進行了分享。
活動期間,師生們還一同參觀了珠海市群賢小學和鳳凰中學。此次活動聚焦於「教育評估監測」主題,不僅開拓了學生們的視野,增強了他們的家國情懷和 對祖國的認同感,還極大地激發了同學們對教育評估監測領域的興趣,促進了兩校間的交流和合作。
澳大與北師大師生合照 |
王立東博士講座分享 |
澳大學生在會場外留影 | 參觀珠海市鳳凰中學 |
澳大學生與群賢小學學生交流互動 |
頒發證書 |
教育學院 謹啟