Sports: Sports Interest Courses for 2nd Semester of 2024/2025 – Touch Rugby, Lawn Bowling, Freestyle Shuttlecock Kicking (Application deadline: 17 Jan 2025)
體育: 2024/2025 運動興趣班 (第二學期) - 觸式欖球、草地滾球、花毽(截止報名日期: 2025年1月17日)
觸式欖球 Touch Rugby
Touch rugby started in the 1950s is a sport that emphasizes speed, skill, strategy and teamwork, is a limited-contact sport which involves contact made with only minimal force; hence, tackling is not permitted and this characteristic that makes it a mixed sport. Touch rugby aims to score more tries than the opposition. Ball carriers are touched by opposing players rather than tackled. They are brought to a halt whenever a touch is performed by a member of the defending team on any part of their body or on the ball.
草地滾球 Lawn Bowling
Lawn bowling is a sport played on a flat grass surface, typically involving two teams or individual players. The objective is to roll balls toward a small white ball known as the "jack." Players must use skill and strategy to control the speed and direction of their bowls to get as close to the jack as possible. This sport tests precision and emphasizes teamwork and social interaction. Suitable for all ages, lawn bowling provides endless enjoyment, whether for leisure or competitive play.
花毽 Freestyle Shuttlecock Kicking
Freestyle shuttlecock kicking is a dynamic and creative sport originating in China. It involves using the feet to keep a weighted shuttlecock in the air through various kicks and tricks, allowing practitioners to showcase their skills and creativity. Freestyle shuttlecock kicking promotes coordination, balance, and flexibility, making it an enjoyable way to stay active while expressing individuality through movement.
2024-2025 運動興趣班 (第二學期) <<觸式欖球 Touch Rugby, 草地滾球 Lawn Bowling, 花毽 Freestyle Shuttlecock kicking>> |
興趣班 Interest Course |
日期 Schedule |
時間 Time |
費用 Fee |
時長 Duration |
地點 Location |
人數 Class Size |
對象 Target |
1 | Touch Rugby 觸式欖球 | Date: 17, 24 Feb; 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 Mar; 7, 14, 21 Apr (Mon) | 19:00-20:30 | *MOP300 / 10 sessions (Deposit) |
90 mins / session | Outdoor Basketball Court 8 & 9 | 40 | All UM Members 2 PE Hours after completion |
2 | 草地滾球 Lawn Bowling A | Date: 11, 13, 18, 20, 25, 27 Mar (Tue & Thu) | 18:30 - 20:30 | Mop200 / 6 sessions | 120 mins / session | Lawn Bowling Green, near S8 | 12 | All UM Members |
3 | 草地滾球 Lawn Bowling B | Date: 1, 3, 8, 10, 15, 17 Apr (Tue & Thu) | 18:30 - 20:30 | Mop200 / 6 sessions | 120 mins / session | Lawn Bowling Green, near S8 | 12 | All UM Members |
4 | 花毽興趣班 Freestyle Shuttlecock kicking | Date: 3, 5, 10, 12, 17, 19, 24, 26, 31 Mar; (Mon & Wed) *Friendly match : 5 Apr (Sat) |
12:15-13:45 *09:30-11:00 |
*MOP300 / 10 sessions (Deposit) |
90 mins / session | 4F Badminton Hall, N8 | 20 | All UM Members |
申請流程Application Procedure
- 網上提交申請Online application
- 電子抽籤E-random draw
- 以電郵通知中籤者及繳費安排Draw result and course fee payment email
- 於指定日期前完成繳費Course fee payment settled before the deadline
- 發送最終確認郵件Course enrollment confirmation email
1.網上提交申請Online Application
Please click HERE for Online Application on or before 17 JAN 2025 (FRI).
2. 電子抽籤E-Random Draw
E-random Draw will take place on 27 Jan 2025 (MON).
3. 申請結果Application Result
Application results will be announced via email on 5 Feb 2025 (WED).
For successful applicants, please settle the fee/deposit at the Main Entrance Service Counter, G/F, UM Sports Complex (N8), during opening hours and before the set deadline, as announced in the email. Otherwise, the quota will be allocated to other applicants on the waiting list.
候補名單 Waiting list
Unsuccessful applicants will be queued up on the waiting list by draw. If a quota is being released, an email notification of payment will be sent out according to the draw result, and payment should be settled before the specified deadline.
- 僅在繳付完相關費用後,才視為申請已獲確認。Successful enrollment will be confirmed upon payment.
- 為更好地善用有限的資源,一旦申請已獲確認,請按時出席相關的課程。For better use of resources, kindly attend all registered classes on schedule once enrolment is confirmed.
- 課程是否成功開班將取決於參與的人數。如未能成功開班,已交的費用將會退回。The confirmation of a class is dependent on the number of participants. If a class is cancelled, the fee will be refunded accordingly.
- 一般情況下,費用一經收取後恕不退還。The registration fee is not refundable after payment under any circumstances in general.
For enquiries, please contact us at
Tel: 8822 4931/ 8822 9262
Office of Sports Affairs (OSA)