News Express: US clinical pharmacy expert gives talk at UM on unmet needs in cancer survivorship



Alexandre Chan



澳門大學今(3)日舉辦“大學講壇”,由美國加州大學爾灣分校藥學院臨床藥學系創系主任及教授Alexandre Chan以“癌症生存者的未盡之需:我們的研究機遇”為題發表演講,分享對緩解癌症生存者未滿足需求的臨床和研究經驗。

澳大副校長許敬文致辭時表示,Alexandre Chan是藥物治療和腫瘤藥學領域的專家。他亦是新加坡國立癌症中心客座教授,目前是國際癌症支持治療協會(MASCC)的候任主席,以及美國臨床藥學院(ACCP)院士和國際腫瘤藥學從業者協會(ISOPP)會士。Alexandre Chan在醫學和藥學期刊上發表了 290 多篇與癌症支持性療法、癌症生存者等主題相關的論文,其研究項目吸引了美國及新加坡的政府機構、基金會和製藥公司合共超過 700 萬美元的支持。

講座上,Alexandre Chan提到鑒於全球癌症患者激增,其實驗室與國際組織合作進行了大量研究,分析患者從確診癌症到治療及其後的復健對身體、心理、情感、社會和經濟的影響,以改善對癌症患者的支援和藥物護理。通過對未滿足需求的評估,其實驗室的研究發現了許多緩解癌症生存者未盡之需的機會。Alexandre Chan分享了其實驗室為減少癌症生存者未滿足需求所做的持續努力,為在場人士帶來啟發。

問答及交流環節由澳大中華醫藥研究院院長陳新主持,Alexandre Chan與參與者交流互動,討論氣氛熱烈。


US clinical pharmacy expert gives talk at UM on unmet needs in cancer survivorship

The University of Macau (UM) held a talk titled ‘Research Opportunities to Address Unmet Needs in Cancer Survivorship’ today (3 January) as part of its University Lecture Series. The speaker was Alexandre Chan, founding chair and professor in the Department of Clinical Pharmacy Practice at the School of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of California, Irvine.

In his speech, UM Vice Rector Michael Hui introduced Prof Chan and highlighted his expertise in pharmacotherapy and oncology pharmacy. He also mentioned Prof Chan’s academic and research achievements, including his publications on cancer supportive care and survivorship in medical and pharmacy journals, and his research projects funded by government agencies, foundations and pharmaceutical companies in the United States and Singapore.

During the talk, Prof Chan mentioned that his laboratory, in collaboration with international organisations, has conducted extensive research to analyse the physical, psychological, emotional, social, and economic impact on patients from cancer diagnosis through treatment and rehabilitation, with the aim of improving support and pharmaceutical care for cancer patients. Prof Chan also shared his laboratory’s ongoing efforts to address and reduce the unmet needs of cancer survivors. In addition, Prof Chan engaged with the audience in the Q&A and discussion session moderated by Chen Xin, director of the Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences.

To read the news on UM’s official website, please visit the following link: