ICTO Service Introduction: Microsoft Teams

ICTO服務介紹: Microsoft Teams

ICTO服務介紹: Microsoft Teams

由於Zoom於2025年1月1日起不再向大學銷售其服務(詳情請按此),為了確保線上協作的連續性,ICTO 正在積極致力於提供 Microsoft Teams 作為過渡解決方案來滿足您的需求。

Microsoft Teams 用戶端 (Windows) 已安裝到資訊及通訊科技部的電腦中。如果您無法安裝Teams用戶端或在桌面上看不到Microsoft Teams圖示,請按此

以下是一些有關於Microsoft Teams的功能介紹

  圖例 使用簡介
  1. 打開桌面上的Microsoft Teams 用戶端。
  2. 點選登入按鈕。
  3. 輸入您的澳大電郵地址,然後點擊下一步
  4. 頁面將重新導向至UMPASS 驗證頁面。請輸入您的 UMPASS 帳號名稱和密碼。

詳情可按此瀏覽ICTO FAQ。



您可以透過 Microsoft Teams 應用程式或 Microsoft Outlook 開始即時會議。


您可以透過 Microsoft Outlook 開始排程會議。

詳情可按此瀏覽ICTO FAQ。



點擊會議連結加入會議。您可以選擇在瀏覽器上繼續或在 Teams 應用程式上加入來開始會議。





在會議控制項中,選取 其他動作 > 錄製和轉錄 > 開始錄製

詳情可按此瀏覽ICTO FAQ。


若您想了解更多或需要有關使用 Microsoft Teams 的協助,您可以:




位置 : 中央教學樓東5座(E5)2085室  電子地圖
電話 : 8822 8600
電郵 : icto.helpdesk@um.edu.mo 

ICTO Service Introduction: Microsoft Teams

As Zoom no longer sold its service to University starting from January 1st, 2025 (For details, please click here), to ensure continuity of online collaboration, ICTO is actively working on providing Microsoft Teams as a transitional solution to address your needs.

Microsoft Teams Client (Windows) has been deployed in ICTO’s computers. If you fail to install Teams client or cannot see the Microsoft Teams icon on your desktop, please visit here.

Some common features about Microsoft Teams

  Figure Introduction / FAQ
How to sign in?
  1. Click Microsoft Teams Client on your desktop.
  2. Click the Sign in Button.
  3. Input your UM email address and click Next.
  4. It will redirect to UMPASS authentication page. Please enter your UMPASS account name and password.

For more details, please click here to visit ICTO FAQ.

How to schedule a meeting?

Instant Meeting:

You can start an instant meeting either through the Microsoft Teams app or Microsoft Outlook

Schedule Meeting:

You can start schedule meeting through Microsoft Outlook

For more details, please click here to visit ICTO FAQ.

How to join a meeting?

Instant Meeting:

Click the meeting link to join the meeting. You can choose Continue on the browser or Join on the Teams app to start the meeting.


Schedule Meeting:

Please go to your calendar on your Outlook. Find the Teams Meeting and click on it, then click the Join Teams Meeting button.


How to record a meeting?

In your meeting controls, select More actions > Record and transcribe  > Start recording.

For more details, please click here to visit ICTO FAQ.


Learn more and getting help with Microsoft Teams:

Last but not least, according to current policy of Zoom, you may still join Zoom meeting hosted by others or registered a free basic account using your personal email address to host multi-parties meeting for up to 40 minutes.

Should you have any enquiries, please contact our Help Desk.

ICTO Help Desk

Location : Room 2085, 2/F, Central Teaching Building (E5)  eMap
Telephone : 8822 8600
Email : icto.helpdesk@um.edu.mo