FED – Presentation for the Academic Awards of the Academic Year 2024/2025

教育學院 ─ 頒發2024/2025學年學術獎項

On 7 January 2025, the Faculty of Education(FED)held an Academic Council & Faculty Meeting in E34-G011. The participants of the meeting included all FED faculty members. At the beginning, Prof. Lianghuo FAN, Dean of FED gave a speech. Dean Fan expressed his gratitude to all faculty members for their help and support in the past year. At the same time, he emphasized that a new year brings new expectations, and that in the future, where opportunities and challenges exist side by side, he hoped that all of them can work together to achieve better results and everyone would work together to make a good progress.

During the meeting, Prof. Mingming ZHOU, Associate Dean (Research) of FED, announced the winners for the academic awards of the academic year 2024/2025. Kindly refer to the details below:

Teaching Award: Prof. Katy Ieong Cheng HO WEATHERLY
Research Award: Prof. Lijia LIN and Prof. George Chun Wai CHENG
Service Award: Prof. Yang GONG
Incentive Scheme for Outstanding Academic Staff in Research: Prof. Shulin YU and Prof. Rui YUAN
Best Paper Award: Prof. Xiaowei TANG and Prof. Nan ZHOU

At the end, Dean Fan made a comprehensive and profound conclusion, and the meeting was successfully concluded.

Photo Sharing:

Prof. Lianghuo FAN

Prof. Lijia LIN

Prof. George Chun Wai CHENG

Prof. Yang GONG

Prof. Shulin YU

Prof. Rui YUAN

Prof. Xiaowei TANG

Prof. Nan ZHOU


Thank you for your kind attention.

Faculty of Education

        2025年1月7日,教育學院於崇文樓演講廳 (E34-G011)開展教育學院學術委員會及教職員會議,參會人員包括教育學院全體教職員,會議伊始,教育學院院長范良火致詞,范院長首先代表學院對各位教職員在過去一年的幫助與支援表示感謝,同時他強調,新的一年帶來新的期望,在機遇與挑戰並存的未來,希望大家攜手一起共同進步。

教學奬: 何揚晴教授
研究奬: 林立甲教授及鄭振偉教授
服務奬: 龔陽教授
傑出研究學術人員獎勵計劃: 于書林教授及袁睿教授
優秀論文奬: 唐小為教授及周楠教授











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