Activity Review: Student Leadership Training Programme join “Take a Walk through the Streets of Macau- Rockscapes along the Southern Coastline of Coloane”
活動回顧:學生領袖培訓計劃學員漫步澳門街 - 路環南岸石景
來自土木工程學系以及紹邦書院的大一學員黃焯睿表示, 這次的路環之旅讓她從這些石頭中瞭解到很多相關的澳門歷史故事。雖然不知道這些故事是真的還是假的,但是這些奇形怪狀的石頭確實是有象形之處,更表示雖然來過路環很多次,但真的從來沒有留意過這些石頭是這麼有講究的。
Student Leadership Training Programme (SLP) organized students to participate in the “Take a Walk through the Streets of Macau- Rockscapes along the Southern Coastline of Coloane” which is organized by the Municipal Affairs Bureau on March 11. Students walked through the street with the guided tour and enjoyed the stone scenery along the way. It would enrich their knowledge about the history, legends, and customs of Coloane as well as the cultural history of Macau.
According to the tour guide, Coloane is the island with the best preserved natural rocks in Macau. There is a different historical story behind each stone. These stones constitute a beautiful landscape and an essential part of the history and culture of Macau.
One of the SLP members, Cherry Huang (Year 1 student of FST and SPC), reflected that these stones bring her more knowledge about Macau’s history. These strangely shaped stones are indeed pictographic, even though she does not know whether these stories are true. She also said that she went to Coloane many times before but never noticed the stones were so particular.