News Express: UM Distinguished Professor to give talk on global AI governance at UM next Wednesday



Rostam J. NEUWIRTH將於澳大談全球AI治理現況
Rostam J. Neuwirth will give a talk on global AI governance at UM next Wednesday



澳門大學將於2月26日(星期三)舉辦大學講壇之“全球AI治理之現況:從研究及法規角度探析AI的主流認知”講座,由澳大法學院特聘教授Rostam J. NEUWIRTH解構人工智能的概念,並就未來的研究和監管方向提出建議。歡迎有興趣人士參加。

Rostam J. NEUWIRTH亦是澳大法學院環球法律學系系主任,在法學、世貿組織和區域貿易法、跨國法、金磚國家商法、歐盟貿易法等領域深有研究。其學術專著《矛盾修辭時代的法律:語言、邏輯和法律之間的通感》及《歐盟人工智能法案:監管潛意識人工智能系統》分別於2018年及2023年由英國國際出版社Routledge出版;此外,他亦發表了多篇書籍章節及學術文章。這些出版物重點關注當代全球法律議題,探討法律與貿易、語言、認知、文化、社會、科技等方面的聯繫。

講座將於2月26日(星期三)下午3時半以英語於澳大聚賢樓多功能廳(N1-G014)進行。報名網址:。查詢請致電+853 8822 8878或電郵至與黃小姐聯繫。


UM Distinguished Professor to give talk on global AI governance at UM next Wednesday

The University of Macau (UM) will hold a talk titled ‘The Current State of the “Global AI Governance Debate”: Challenging the Dominant AI Narrative for Research and Regulation’ on 26 February (Wednesday) as part of the University Lecture Series. The talk will be given by Rostam J. Neuwirth, Distinguished Professor and head of the Department of Global Legal Studies in the UM Faculty of Law (FLL), who will explain the concept of artificial intelligence (AI) and suggest directions for future research and regulation.

The talk will begin at 3:30pm in the Multi-function Hall of the UM Guest House (N1-G014) and will be conducted in English. All are welcome to attend. To register for the talk, please visit: For enquiries, please call +853 8822 8878 or email

To read the news on UM’s official website, please visit the following link: