News Express: UM delegation visits several UK universities to promote cooperation



馬許願(右)與Michael Scott
Rui Martins (right) and Michael Scott



為深化澳大與英語國家高校的合作和交流,澳門大學副校長馬許願 (Rui Martins)於2025年2月26至28日率團訪問多所英國中部及西北部地區一流大學,重點推進師生交流、雙學位課程、聯合研究項目等領域的實質性合作,並深入探討各學科領域的合作潛力。


訪問期間,代表團到訪華威大學,獲該校副校長Michael Scott熱情接待。雙方舉行工作會議,深入探討師生交流互訪、雙學位課程、聯合研究項目等合作,並達成多項共識,計劃在工程學、社會科學、教育等領域開展本科生及研究生學生交換項目,合辦雙學位課程,推進學者互訪計劃及舉辦學術研討會。

代表團亦訪問萊斯特大學,與該校副校長Sarah Davies和多名學科代表會面,就兩校在電腦科學、工程學、材料科學等領域的合作進行深入交流。雙方一致認為,兩校在學科建設和研究佈局相近,未來在雙學位課程、學生交換和聯合科研合作方面具有廣闊前景。會上,雙方同意簽署校級合作備忘錄,進一步推進學科合作和交流。

在諾丁漢大學,馬許願與該校副校長Nigel Mongan共同主持工作會議。雙方圍繞教育、葡語研究、社會科學、工程學等重點學科進行深入探討,並計劃有序推進學生交換項目、雙學位課程、國際學術研討會等合作。馬許願在會上表示,訪問為兩校未來的學術交流與科研合作奠定了堅實基礎,期望未來能取得更多成果。
代表團還到訪謝菲爾德大學,與該校副校長Malcolm Butler及學科代表會面。雙方聚焦電子及電機工程、數學、物理科學、教育等兩校優勢學科,深入探討未來的合作方向,並就開展學生交流項目、共同舉辦學術論壇、拓展創新研究項目等議題達成了初步共識。

訪問利茲大學期間,代表團獲該校全球交流合作處處長Manuel Barcia Paz熱情接待,並與該校工程及物理科學學院和教育學院代表進行工作會議,探討兩校在電子及電機工程、化學、材料科學、教育等領域加強教學及科研合作。馬許願表示,澳大和利茲大學已有多年合作基礎,並於今個學年正式開展英語研究的雙碩士學位課程。他期望藉訪問進一步拓展兩校在其他學科領域的雙學位課程合作、推進師生互訪及其他學術合作項目。



UM delegation visits several UK universities to promote cooperation

To deepen cooperation and exchanges with higher education institutions in English-speaking countries, Rui Martins, vice rector of the University of Macau (UM), led a delegation to visit several top universities in the Midlands and North West England from 26 to 28 February 2025. The aim of the visit is to promote cooperation in areas such as student and faculty exchanges, dual degree programmes, and joint research projects, as well as to explore potential cooperation across various disciplines.

Martins said that the visit is an important initiative for UM to strengthen its partnerships with higher education institutions in English-speaking countries. It has not only effectively promoted UM’s internationalisation strategy but also fostered mutual understanding between UM and leading UK institutions, laying a solid foundation for  substantive cooperation in teaching, scientific research, and student and faculty exchanges in the future. UM will continue to actively expand its partnerships with higher education institutions in English-speaking countries in order to further raise its international profile and cultivate high-end talent with a global perspective for the Macao SAR and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

During their time in the UK, the UM delegation visited the University of Warwick and was received by Pro-Vice-Chancellor Michael Scott. The two parties held a meeting to discuss cooperation in student and faculty exchanges, dual degree programmes, and joint research projects, and reached several agreements. Plans were made to establish undergraduate and postgraduate exchange programmes, dual degree programmes, and visiting scholar programmes in fields such as engineering, social sciences and education, and to hold academic seminars.

The UM delegation also visited the University of Leicester and met with Pro Vice-Chancellor Sarah Davies and several faculty representatives. They engaged in in-depth discussions on cooperation in computer science, engineering, and materials science. Both sides recognised the similarities in their academic structures and research layouts, and expressed optimism for future cooperation in dual degree programmes, student exchanges, and research collaboration. The two parties also agreed to sign a university-level memorandum of understanding to further promote disciplinary cooperation and exchange.

At the University of Nottingham, Martins co-chaired a meeting with Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor Nigel Mongan. The discussions focused on key disciplines such as education, Portuguese studies, social sciences, and engineering, with plans to systematically advance cooperation in student exchange programmes, dual degree programmes, and international academic conferences. Martins highlighted that the visit has laid a solid foundation for future academic exchanges and research collaboration between the two universities, with the hope of more fruitful outcomes in the future.

The UM delegation also visited the University of Sheffield and met with Vice-President Malcolm Butler and faculty representatives. The two parties focused on the strengths of both universities in electronic and electrical engineering, mathematics, physics, and education, and explored directions for future cooperation. Initial consensus was reached on establishing student exchange programmes, co-hosting academic forums, and developing innovative research projects.

At the University of Leeds, the UM delegation was received by Dean of Global Engagement Manuel Barcia Paz and held a meeting with representatives from the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences and the School of Education. They discussed strengthening teaching and research collaboration in electronic and electrical engineering, chemistry, materials science, and education. Martins said that UM and the University of Leeds have a long-standing partnership, and have launched a double master’s degree programme in English studies this academic year. He expressed hope that the two universities will establish more dual degree programmes in other disciplines, and promote student and faculty exchanges and other academic collaboration.

At the University of Manchester, the UM delegation held discussions with representatives and scholars of the Faculty of Science and Engineering, and explored research collaboration in the fields of computer science, electrical and electronic engineering, and materials science. The two parties exchanged views on the establishment of dual degree programmes and visiting scholar programmes, and reached an initial consensus on the establishment of dual degree programmes. The delegation toured the Photon Science Institute at the University of Manchester and the Henry Royce Institute, an institute for advanced materials research, and gained insights into the university’s outstanding achievements in cutting-edge research. In addition, Fan Lianghuo, dean of UM’s Faculty of Education, visited the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Manchester and met with representatives in the field of education to discuss strengthening cooperation and exchange in related disciplines between the two universities.

The UM delegation also included Sun Handong, associate director of the Institute of Applied Physics and Materials Engineering, and Sin Sai Weng, deputy director of the Institute of Microelectronics.

To read the news on UM’s official website, please visit the following link: