Blood Drive in UM Campus: Choi Kai Yau College & Moon Chun Memorial College on 17 March
澳大校園捐血日: 3月17日於蔡繼有書院及滿珍紀念書院
安健及環境事務辦公室與澳門特別行政區政府衛生局屬下的捐血中心將舉行本學期第二站書院捐血日,活動將安排在蔡繼有書院及滿珍紀念書院,期望大家積極捐血,為有需要的人出一點力。歡迎所有本地及非本地教職員及學生,首次捐血人士及多次捐血人士可獲贈不同的紀念品,健康環保大使更可獲3個HEP FUN。
日期:2025年03月17日 時間:11:00 – 17:00 地點:W31 書院食堂 |
預約連結及二維碼: |
如對活動安排有任何疑問,請於辦公時間與我們聯絡 (電郵; 電話:8822 8851/ 8822 4435)。
Dear colleagues and students,
Office of Health, Safety and Environmental Affairs is going to organize the 2nd session of blood drive in UM campus in this semester with Macao Blood Transfusion Service, a department under Health Bureau of Government of Macao S.A.R. This time, it will be arranged in Choi Kai Yau College and Moon Chun Memorial College. All local and non-local staff and students are welcome to donate blood and help those who are in need in the community. Different souvenirs will be given to first-time donors and frequent donors. Health & Environmental Protection Ambassadors will also be granted 3 HEP FUN.
Date: 17th March, 2025 |
Please make the appointment via the link or QR code:
Please refer to the website of Macao Blood Transfusion Service for procedures of blood donation and other related information
For enquiries regarding the arrangement of the activity, please contact us by e-mail to or by phone at 8822 8851/ 8822 4435.
Looking forward to your participation.
Office of Health, Safety and Environmental Affairs