MCM College: DIY Nail Art Workshop
On 28th February, 2025, the Mandarin House of Moon Chun Memorial College, University of Macau hosted a “DIY Nail Art Workshop”. The event featured a nail art instructor, Ms. Lily Li who shared the evolution of nail design, discussing its aesthetic value, practicality, and significance in contemporary culture. Participants not only learned basic techniques but also created their own unique nail art pieces.
Ms. Li explained the pre-treatment, construction principles, and techniques of nail art, guiding everyone through hands-on practice. Many participants found the creative process both challenging, but highly enjoyable: it was a great sense of accomplishment.
At the end of the event, everyone admired each other’s designs, filling the room with laughter. This workshop not only promoted interaction among college members but also allowed participants to express their personal style through nail art.
Text: Lucky Dong (Resident Assistant)
2025年2月28日,澳門大學滿珍紀念書院Mandarin House舉辦了一場「DIY美甲工作坊」。活動特邀美甲李培萌導師深入分享美甲設計的演變歷程,探討其美學價值、實用性及當代潮流文化意義。參與者不僅學習了基礎技巧,更親手設計獨一無二的指甲藝術作品。