(Today, 18:30, E34-G011) FAH-DAD Art and Academic Lecture Series No.17 : Through the Eye of the Storm: Innovation and Research in Art and Design Amid Technological Shifts (1 SAO Smart Point and 30 CS)

(今天, 18:30, E34-G011) 人文學院藝術與設計系 : 藝術與學術系列講壇之十七: 風眼——穿透“風眼”探尋藝術與設計領域的創作與研究 [1粒至叻星、30個CS]

On-site Participating Students will be awarded 1 SAO Smart Point and 20 CS on“Knowledge integration” in the Whole Person Development Award Programme

FAH-DAD Art and Academic Lecture Series No.17:

Through the Eye of the Storm: Innovation and Research in Art and Design

人文學院藝術與設計系 : 藝術與學術系列講壇之十七:


不为人知的TA | 马泉:人生的叠加态_凤凰网

每次的科技變革猶如颱風的風眼,看似平靜但卻蘊含著顛覆世界的能量。從中國第一家網路公司的誕生到如今的AI技術,兩次「風眼」揭示了技術革命對設計本質的深刻影響。網路和AI的興起不僅改變了資訊傳播和創作方式,也引發了對藝術與設計領域衝擊與機遇的思考,講座將從創作思維、人機協作以及倫理問題的視角展開,並結合個人的創作與研究探索經歷,探討AI 時代下人類獨特的價值,以及如何充分發揮人類與技術的優勢,推動藝術設計的創作與研究的創新發展。

Each wave of technological revolution resembles the eye of a storm—seemingly calm, yet harboring the power to reshape the world. From the birth of China’s first internet company to the rise of AI technologies, these two “storm eyes” reveal the profound impact of technological revolutions on the very essence of design. The emergence of the internet and AI has not only transformed the ways information is disseminated and creative works are produced, but also prompted deep reflections on the challenges and opportunities they bring to the fields of art and design.

This lecture will explore these issues from the perspectives of creative thinking, human-machine collaboration, and ethical considerations. Drawing on personal experiences in creative practice and academic research, it will examine the unique value of human creativity in the age of AI, and discuss how to leverage the strengths of both humans and technology to drive innovative development in artistic creation and design research.


日期Date: 14/3/2025 (Fri)

時間Time: 18:30 – 20:30

地點Venue: 崇文樓 (E34) G011演講廳 / 線上Online 

講者Speaker: 馬泉教授 / Prof. MA Quan

語言Language: 普通話 / Mandarin

騰訊&Voov: 865 093 687