【Sports Games and Activities】: Dragon and Lion Dance Experience (International students session, 26 Mar, Wed, 21:00-22:00, Registration deadline: 24 Mar)

【體 . 活動】: 傳承非遺,舞動龍獅體驗日(國際生專場, 3月26日, 星期三, 21:00-22:00, 截止報名日期: 3月24日)

Dragon and Lion Dance Experience (International Students Session) on 26 Mar

(Registration Deadline: 24 Mar, 23:59)

UM Office of Sports Affairs (OSA) is going to organize “Dragon and Lion Dance Experience” on 26 Mar. We cordially invite international students from UM to participate the activity and appreciate traditional Chinese culture together. The activity invited UM Dragon and Lion Dance Team to provide guidance. Under the leadership of the team members, participants will learn about the historical background and cultural significance of dragon and lion dance, practice basic steps, techniques, and routines, and personally experience the joy of dragon and lion dance. 

Activity Date:
26 Mar (Wed)

Activity Time:

UM students (Priority will be given to international students)

UM Sports Complex (N8) – Sports Pavilion (G/F)

20 (First-come, first-served basis )

PE hours: 1 hour

Registration Details:

Registration Deadline: 24 Mar (Mon)

Registration Link: https://go.um.edu.mo/r8qcgwud

Registration QR Code: shown as below

*Students who attend the WHOLE activity and arrive ON TIME will be given  1 PE hours (late arrival, early leave or leave the venue during the event for over 10 minutes will NOT be given PE hours).

*Students are required to do check in/out with UM student ID card, the name of the attended student MUST be the same as the registered name.

*The email of registration result will be sent to your UM email address before the activity day, please make sure you fill in the CORRECT UM email address (@um.edu.mo).

*Once registration is confirmed, any absent might affect the application priority of his/her registration for future sports activities.

*Those who do not respect the activity or neglect the staff’s guidance, OSA reserves the right to cancel his/her PE hour.

*Should you have any enquiries, please contact Ms. Candice Leong +853 8822 8848 (Phone) or candiceleong@um.edu.mo (Email).

Office of Sports Affairs (OSA)