Temporary change of stop for Staff Shuttle Bus (Route C) from 19/03/2025 (Wednesday)



  為配合道路工程,由 2025年3月19日(星期三)起,職員穿梭巴士服務(C線)之陳樂巷上車點將暫停使用。臨時上車點遷移至祥發大廈旁(河邊新街127號),直至工程完畢,具體位置見下圖。

  如有任何查詢,請致電8822 8652與本處交通組聯絡。




Dear Colleagues,

To cope with the road works, starting from 19/03/2025 (Wednesday), the pick up point at Travessa de Chan Loc of the staff shuttle bus service (Route C) will be temporarily moved next to the EDF. CHEONG FAT (Rua do Almirante Sérgio no. 127), until the project is completed.  Please refer to the picture below for the exact location.

For enquiries, please contact colleagues of the Security and Facilities Services Section at 8822 8652.

Thank you for your attention.

Best regards,
Security and Facilities Services Section