Student Leadership Training Programme: “The Scam Games: Don’t Get Fooled!” 27 March, 10:00-17:00, E4 Booth [10 CS Points]

學生領袖培訓計劃:「防騙知識大挑戰」(3月27日,10:00-17:00, E4攤位 ) [10 CS Points]

共築防騙牆, 你我做得到!
齊玩小遊戲, 獎品拿得到!

完成所有遊戲的參加者可獲得10個公民責任CS分, 並可以參加抽獎,保證獲得一份獎品。

– Herschel卡片套(特獎)
– 麥當勞$10優惠券(二獎)
– 零食或飲料(三獎)

時間:10:00 – 17:00
地點:E4 走廊



Join our SCAM-FREE CREW, There’s nothing we can’t to!
Play our games, gain the fame, and grab a PRIZE or two!
The activity “The Scam Games: Don’t Get Fooled!” takes place at the E4 corridor from 10:00-17:00 on March 27. Participants can join in 4 games, including a matching game, a quick-response quiz, spotting differences among images, and watching a fraud prevention video. The event aims to educate participants about scams while providing an interactive and engaging experience.

Participants who completed all the games will be given 10 CS Points in Responsible Citizenship, and also can participate in a lucky draw. It is guaranteed to win a prize.

– (Grand prize) Herschel Card Holder
– (Second prize) McDonald’s $10 coupon
– (Third prize) Snacks or drinks. 

Date: March 27, 2025
Venue: E4 Booth
Time: 10:00 – 17:00

* Students who attended the WHOLE activity will be awarded 10 UM Competencies (CS) on “Responsible citizenship” in the Whole Person Development Award Program.
* For those who do not respect the activity or neglect the staff’s guidance, SAO reserves the right to cancel his/her CS Point.

* 全程參加將獲得全人發展獎勵計劃 “公民責任心” 項的10個CS分數。
* 若同學不尊重活動或不遵守工作人員的指示,學生事務部有權取消其獲得CS分的資格。