【Sports Activity】: Train the Trainer Programme T.T.T. – “Bowling Tournament Lane Marshal and Officer Course” was successfully held
【體 . 活動】: 學生教練員培訓員計劃 T.T.T. -「保齡球裁判及工作人員培訓課程」圓滿結束

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Train the Trainer Programme T.T.T. – “Bowling Tournament Lane Marshal and Officer Course” was successfully held
In order to promote comprehensive sports development in UM, a bowling-related course – “Bowling Tournament Lane Marshal and Officer Course” – was held as one of the Train the Trainer Programme (T.T.T.) courses for UM students and staff enhancing their knowledge and techniques in Bowling. The course was co-organized by Office of Sports Affairs (OSA) and Macau China Bowling Association, a total number of 17 members have participated the 2-day course, which was ended successfully on 23 Apr.
The course was led by Mr. Ng Siu Sing, representative of the Macau China Bowling Association, who is a highly experienced professional in the field of bowling. With over 10 years of experience as an executive committee member of Hong Kong Tenpin Bowling Congress and served as the technical delegate for the bowling event in 2005 East Asian Games. The course content includes bowling basic knowledge, bowling equipment and venue setting, tournament preparation and the roles and responsibilities of those involved in a bowling tournament.
The course enables the participated students to enhance their understanding of bowling tournament knowledge and students gained rich experience and knowledge with positive feedback.
Thank you for your attention.
Office of Sports Affairs (OSA)
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吳綺琪 好高興能參與這次澳大保齡球培訓課程,讓我有機會接觸到保齡球這項運動。兩天的課程學習到好多相關的知識,如:保齡球的重量, 比賽規則,比賽類型,計分方式等。老師耐心的講解,使整個過程令我獲益良多,希望在不久的將來有機會在澳門觀看保齡球的賽事,以及在賽事中幫忙。 |
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梁樂敬 透過今次培訓學了很多關於保齡球的知識之外,亦了解到每一次保齡球錦標賽當中的流程和一些事前準備功夫。作為一個保齡球愛好者,認識更多關於保齡球的知識可以加強我對保齡球的專業知識和水平。 |
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林籽言 經過這次課程之後,令我增加了對保齡球的了解。從場地,佈置,保齡球的製作都有深入的認識,當然少不了比賽的流程和各個職位的安排。每個職位都會影響到比賽,是否能順利進行,所以每個職位都同樣重要。在課程的過程中,學到很多有保齡球的知識,收穫良多。 |