(Today is the enrollment deadline)UM Recreational Club Interest Class for May: “Sticky Rice Dumpling Workshop”
(今天截止報名)澳大康樂會五月興趣班: 「包粽工作坊」
興趣班名稱: Course title: |
包粽工作坊 Sticky Rice Dumpling Workshop |
上課時間: Course schedule: |
20/05/2023 (星期六/Saturday) |
總時數: No. of hours: |
2.5小時/hours |
課程內容: Course Content: |
粽子是由粽葉包裹糯米蒸製而成的食品,也是中國傳統節慶食物之一,形狀多樣,主要有四角狀、尖角狀等。工作坊上,參加者會學習如何處理食材及包粽技巧,此工作坊上使用到的食材有糯米、咸蛋黃、肉、綠豆等。每位參加者會製作6隻咸肉綠豆粽帶回家。 *課堂上包好的粽子需帶回家蒸煮。如需培訓中心代為蒸煮,需預約時間取回粽子。 Sticky Rice Dumpling is a traditional Chinese food made with glutinous sticky rice. It can vary in shape, ranging from rectangular to pyramid. During the workshop, participants will learn how to handle ingredients and how to make sticky rice dumplings. Food ingredients used in the workshop include glutinous sticky rice, salty egg yolk, meat and green bean. Each participant will make 6 sticky rice dumplings to take home. *Sticky rice dumplings shall be brought home for steaming. If the sticky rice dumplings to be steamed at the center, reservation on the collection time is required. |
導師: Trainer: |
偉迪教育中心導師(現職酒樓點心部主管) |
費用: Fee: |
MOP250 (包括材料費 /including material fees) |
名額: Class size: |
10-20人 10-20 pax |
授課語言: Language: |
廣東話 Cantonese |
上課地點: Venue: |
白灰街35號A地下(雀仔園) Rua da Cal No. 35 R/C A (Horta da Mitra) |
對象: Targets: |
所有職員及8歲以上家屬 |
報名方法及截止日期: Enrollment form and deadline: |
Enrollment Link 26/04/2023 (星期三/Wednesday) |