News Express: UM delegation visits top universities in Singapore to forge collaborations on training of innovative talent

新聞快訊: 澳大訪新加坡頂尖大學 促創新人才培養合作


Yonghua Song (right) and Tan Eng Chye


澳大訪新加坡頂尖大學 促創新人才培養合作



其後,代表團訪問了新加坡科技設計大學,宋永華與該校校長張道昌代表簽署合作備忘錄。兩校將有序開展教學及研究合作項目、師生交流計劃、共同舉辦學術研討會、共享學術資源等。儀式後,兩校就推進上述合作項目及進一步的合作計劃交換意見;雙方期望在合作備忘錄的基礎上,開展學生交換計劃以及重點科研領域的深入合作。宋永華表示,兩校之間的合作將會雙贏,不僅能夠促進學術交流和合作,還能夠為師生提供更廣闊的學習和發展機會。張道昌指出,備忘錄的簽署將有助推動國際學術交流和創新,共同培養具有創新思維和國際視野的人才。代表團亦前往 Dyson-SUTD Innovation Studios 和 Fab Lab,進一步了解新加坡科技設計大學最新的科創發展。

代表團還參訪了新加坡南洋理工大學。該校副校長Tim White介紹了大學在人才培養和科研領域的優勢和成就,並希望與澳大共同探討開展更深入的科技創新、學術交流和人才培養方面的合作。宋永華表示,澳大非常重視與新加坡南洋理工大學的友好合作關係,今學期已經有三名南洋理工大學的學生在澳大交換學習;希望透過雙方的共同努力,攜手培養具有國際視野和創新能力的人才,推動亞洲乃至世界高等教育事業的發展。雙方還就加强師生交流、共同舉辦學術研討會、推進聯合科研項目等方面的進一步合作交換了意見。隨後,代表團一行到該校物理與數學科學學院和化學、化工與生物科技學院,了解兩學院的建設、最新發展和科研成果。代表團並訪問NTU-USP辦公室瞭解南洋理工大學對拔尖學生的培養模式,共同探討兩校在培養學生領袖方面的經驗和理念。




UM delegation visits top universities in Singapore to forge collaborations on training of innovative talent 

A delegation from the University of Macau (UM), led by Rector Yonghua Song and Vice Rector Rui Martins, recently visited three top universities in Singapore to foster exchanges and cooperation in teaching and research and promote the training of innovative talent with global competitiveness, so as to expand UM’s international network and enhance its degree of internationalisation.

The UM delegation first visited the National University of Singapore (NUS) and was warmly welcomed by NUS President Tan Eng Chye and other representatives. During the visit, Tan gave an introduction to the history and development direction of NUS and expressed hope to strengthen exchanges and cooperation between NUS and UM in the development of innovative models for talent cultivation and the pursuit of breakthroughs in scientific research. Song said that NUS is a world-class university, adding that the visit would help to strengthen the ties between the two universities and create opportunities for collaboration in talent training and research innovation. In the past five years, the two universities have jointly published more than 200 papers and have launched an exchange programme for student researchers in the field of materials science to promote research collaboration and talent development. Looking ahead, the two universities will strengthen collaborations in areas such as student exchange, joint training of doctoral students, and research, which will provide more opportunities and resources for students from both universities.

The delegation then visited the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), where Song and SUTD President Chong Tow Chong signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU). According to the MOU, UM and SUTD will jointly undertake academic and research projects, establish exchange programmes for faculty and students, co-organise academic seminars, and share academic resources. After the signing ceremony, representatives of the two universities exchanged views on the promotion of the above-mentioned projects and future plans for collaboration. Both parties expressed hope to launch student exchange programmes and foster research collaboration on the basis of the MOU. According to Song, cooperation between UM and SUTD will promote academic exchange and provide students and faculty with greater learning and development opportunities, thus leading to a win-win situation. Chong pointed out that the signing of the MOU would also help promote international academic exchange and and nurture innovative talents with global perspectives. Members of the UM delegation also visited the Dyson-SUTD Innovation Studios and Fab Lab to learn about SUTD’s latest development in technological innovation.

The UM delegation also visited Nanyang Technological University (NTU). During the visit, Tim White, vice president of NTU, introduced NTU’s strengths and achievements in talent cultivation and research and expressed hope to deepen cooperation between UM and NTU in technology and innovation, academic exchange, and talent training. Song said that UM attaches great importance to the partnership with NTU, adding that three NTU students had come to UM for exchange study in this semester. He expressed hope that both universities would continue to work together to cultivate talent with international perspectives and innovative abilities, and jointly promote higher education development in Asia and beyond. Both parties also exchanged views on further cooperation to enhance faculty and student exchange, jointly hold academic seminars, and promote joint research projects. Later, the UM delegation visited the School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences and the School of Chemical, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology at NTU to learn about their latest developments and research achievements. The UM delegation also visited the NTU-USP office and learned about NTU’s training model for top students, and exchanged ideas on cultivating student leaders.

The UM delegation also paid a visit to Chinese Ambassador to Singapore Sun Haiyan and Minister-Counsellor (Education) Han Jun. During the visit, the UM members gave an introduction to the university’s latest development, international strategic layout, as well as the current situation and prospects of cooperation between UM and Singaporean education institutions. Sun praised UM for its rapid development in recent years and its achievements in internationalisation, and stated that the embassy will fully support UM in expanding cooperation and exchanges with Singaporean education institutions. Both sides also had in-depth discussions on promoting cooperation between universities in the Macao SAR and Singapore.

Member of the UM delegation also included Tang Zikang, director of the Institute of Applied Physics and Materials Engineering (IAPME); Pan Hui, deputy director of IAPME; and Wang Ruibing, director of the Global Affairs Office.

To read the news on UM’s official website, please visit the following link: