[REMINDER] UMPA Notice, Election Committee No.5/2023 Voting Day and Ballot Counting for the Election of the Leadership of 18th UMPA (27-28 April)
[提提你] 澳門大學研究生會選舉委員會: 第5/2023號通告 第十八屆澳門大學研究生會領導機關選舉投票日(4月27&28日)及選票核算
This bulletin is produced by UMPA and posted by Student Development Section.

根據《澳門大學研究生會章程》第四章關於選舉之規定,選舉形式為組閣形式選舉,並以直接及不記名投票形式進行,選舉結果必須對外公佈,以及根據澳門大學研究生會選舉委員會第 2/2023號之安排,第十七屆澳門大學研究生會領導機關選舉將於4月27日及4月 28日接受澳門大學全體研究生投票,並於4月28日晚進行選票核算及公飾結果。相關信息如下:
4月27日10:00-19:30 S8-G層薈萃坊、S3-C3 宿舍G層休息區、N21科研大樓地面層
4月28日10:00-19:30 S8-G層薈萃坊、W32宿舍G層休息區、N21科研大樓地面層
4月28日20:00澳門大學研究生宿舍 (S1)-G015室
根據澳門大學登記 2022/2023 學年第二學期註冊學生人數統計資料,截止 2023年4月4日,已註冊的研究生總數為 5085,有效投票率為 12%,即侯選閣當選條件為:
1.獲得的有效票數總數不得低於澳門大學在讀研究生總人數的百分之十二 (611票);
澳門大學研究生會 選舉委員會 二零二三年四月十九日 |
University of Macau Postgraduate Association
Notice for Election Committee No.5/2023
Voting Day and Ballot Counting for the Election of the Leadership of 18th UMPA
According to electoral provisions in Chapter 4 of the UMPA Constitution, the election will be conducted in the form of a cabinet, with anonymous and direct ballots. According to the No.2/2023 notice of Election Committee of UMPA, voting days of Election of the Leadership of 18th UMPA will be held on April 27th and 28th. The votes will be counted and announced in the evening on April 28th. Details are as the following:
Voting time and venue:
April 27th,10:00-19:30, S8-G/F U Mall; S3-C3 PGH Foyer; N21-G/F Research Building;
April 28th,10:00-19:30, S8-G/F U Mall; W32 Foyer; N21-G/F Research Building.
Ballot counting time and venue:
April 28th 20:00, S1-G015, PGH(S1)
Election Rules:
According to the statistics of registered students in the 2nd Semester of Academic Year 2022/2023 of the University of Macau on April 4th 2023, the total number of registered postgraduate students is 5085 and the effective voting rate is 12%. Details of the calculation are as following:
- The total number of valid votes obtained by the candidate cabinet shall not be less than 12% (611 votes) of the total number of graduate students in the University of Macau;
- The number of valid “agree” votes for the elected candidate must exceed the number of valid “disagree” votes.
Please cast your vote.
the Election committee of UMPA 19 April 2023 |