Morning Express: UM Today 《今日澳大》(for students), 04/05/2023

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Time 時間 Today’s Events 今日活動 Venue 地點
09:00 – 23:59 Admission to Bachelor’s Degree Programmes for Mainland China Gaokao Students 2023/2024 (Application period: 02/05-25/06/2023) (cont)2023/2024 學年學士學位課程招生:內地高考學生(報名日期:02/05-25/06/2023) Online Application system at (Open during application period)
10:00 – 11:30 FBA Seminar Series: “Emotional complexity and its implications for business” by Prof. Zengxiang CHEN工商管理學院研討會系列 “Emotional complexity and its implications for business”, 陳增祥教授 Room G015, Faculty of Business Administration (E22)
10:30 – 12:00 University Lecture Series: The Ingenious Application of the Sum-Difference-Product Principle — A New Scientific Research Method Based on Mathematics大學講壇:和差與積原理妙用 —— 一種新的以數學為依據的科學研究方法 Multi-function Hall, UM Guest House (N1-G014), University of Macau
19:00 – 20:30 FAH-DCLL Guest Lecture: “Contextual co-selection study on Chinese and Chinese second language acquisition” by Prof. Xu Jiajin人文學院中國語言文學系嘉賓講座:“漢語本體及二語習得的語境共選研究”- 許家金教授 E21A-2100
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News & Upcoming Activities 新聞及活動預告 Dept. 部門
Annual meeting and forum of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau University Library Alliance held at UM粵港澳高校圖書館聯盟年會暨館長論壇在澳大召開 CO
【Activity Highlight】UM Volunteer Programme: “A day at UM” Elderly University Experiential Activity【活動回顧】澳大義工隊: “一日大學生” 長者大學體驗活動 SAO-SDS
[For Staff Only] 【Sports Activity】UM staff won 1 silver and 1 bronze at the International Workers’ Day Sports Day[僅供職員] 【體 . 活動】澳大教職員參加「五·一國際勞動節運動日」奪1銀1銅 OSA
【Sports Teams】: UM Men’s Volleyball Team and Women’s Volleyball Team won the Champion at “2022-2023 Macau University Volleyball Championship”【體 . 校隊】: 澳大男、女子排球隊於「2022-2023全澳大學生排球錦標賽」分別奪得冠軍 OSA
CKPC Me To We: WAFA & WFR Course曹光彪書院野外進階急救課程及橋接課程 RC-CKPC
Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of Cheng Yu Tung College: The First High Table Dinner in 2023鄭裕彤書院十周年院慶活動- 2023年第一次高桌晚宴 RC-CYTC
2022/23 Valedictory Dinner – on the occasion of the 10th Anniversary of MCMC恰逢滿珍紀念書院十周年之2022/23院生告別晚宴 RC-MCMC
[For Staff Only] External Activity: Public Entities Sport Festival 2023, organized by Public Administration and Civil Service Bureau and Sports Bureau (Registration Deadline: 12 May 2023, 12:00noon)[僅供職員] 校外活動: 行政公職局、體育局 – 2023 政府部門體育競技大會 (截止報名日期: 2023年5月12日中午12:00) OSA
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Internal Notices 校內通告 Dept. 部門
Preventive maintenance for generators in May20232023年5月份之發電機保養及檢查工作 CMDO-EMS
Macau Tung Sin Tong Scholarship – Calling for Recommendation of Scholarship for Master Program during 6th April to 21st April澳門同善堂獎學金 – 碩士課程獎學金於4月6日至4月21日接受提名 CMS
Fire Safety Inspection by Macau Fire Services Bureau at N2 and P3 on 8 May 2023 (next Monday)澳門消防局將於2023年5月8日 (下星期一)於N2及P3進行消防安全巡查工作 CMDO-EMS
Reminder: Traffic Notice: Special Arrangement for the Student Move-Out Period from 5 to 31 May 2023提提您: 交通告示:2023年5月5日至31日為住宿學生遷出之特別安排 CMDO-SFS
[For Staff Only] Activities Organized by the Public Administration and Civil Service Bureau (SAFP) (1st Series of May 2023)[僅供職員] 行政公職局的活動宣傳 (2023年5月份第1期) ADMO-HRS
[For Staff Only] Revision of the Rules of Personnel Affairs of UM Chapter 4 – Performance Appraisal[僅供職員] 修訂《澳門大學人事管理規條》第四章–工作表現評核 ADMO-HRS
[For Staff Only] New in-house training courses: “Briefing on Personal Data Protection Act” and “ISO – In-depth Understanding”[僅供職員] 新一期內部培訓課程:「個人資料保護法講解會」及「ISO – 深入理解」 ADMO-HRS
PhD Oral Defense in Institute of Applied Physics and Materials Engineering, by Mr. Kaixi WANG on 10 May 2023 (Wednesday) IAPME
PhD Oral Defense in Institute of Applied Physics and Materials Engineering , by Mr. Xiongbin WANG on 08 May 2023 (Monday) IAPME
PhD Oral Defense in Institute of Applied Physics and Materials Engineering , by Ms. Ziyi DAI on 10 May 2023 (Wednesday) IAPME
All active notices 所有內部通告
Student Notices 學生通告 Dept. 部門
Application of Temporary Stay for Graduation Ceremony 2023 (Deadline: 17 May)畢業典禮臨時住宿申請 (截止日期:5月17日) SAO-SDS
【Internship Opportunity】 2023 Local Summer Internship Opportunities【實習機會】2023本地實習機會 SAO-SCS
【External Activity】Deloitte will launch an online technology webinar series – Tech.Talk (the first webinar on 8 May)【校外活動】德勤將推出線上技術網絡講座系列 — Tech.Talk (首場線上講座在5月8日舉行) SAO-SCS
【External Activity】Air Macau will organize a recruitment day on 18 & 19 May【校外活動】澳門航空將於5月18及19日舉行招聘日 SAO-SCS
[External Activity – University of Macau Alumni Association]: 2023 Greater Bay Area Science and Technology Learning Visit[校外活動-澳門大學校友會] : 2023大灣區科創學習行 ADO
Morning Express: UM Today 《今日澳大》(for students), 03/05/2023 CO
【External Activity】Citi will organize a Panel Sharing – Meet out APAC Analysts (Date: 9 May)【校外活動】花旗銀行將舉行線上研討會 — Meet out APAC Analysts (日期: 5月9日) SAO-SCS
News Express: Annual meeting and forum of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau University Library Alliance held at UM新聞快訊:粵港澳高校圖書館聯盟年會暨館長論壇在澳大召開 CO-PRS
All active student notices 所有學生通告
Submit News and Events 發佈新聞及活動 Venue Booking 借用場地 Indoor and Outdoor Digital Signage Booking 室內外數位看板申請
myUM Portal myUM 入口網站 Sports Facilities Booking 借用體育設施 Leave Application System 休假申請
University Almanac 校曆 Equipment Booking 借用物品 Lost and Found 失物認領

“UM Today” is a daily internal e-newsletter released by the Communications Office, which aims to provide UM members with the up-to-date information about events, seminars, news, internal notices and student activities. To review the previous issues of UM Today, please access the UM Today Database. Should you have any enquiries about UM Today, please feel free to contact the Communications Office at 88228090 or


First Released time 首次發佈時間: 04/05/2023 09:00