News Express: UM team’s research on international regulatory benchmarking systems helps promote drug regulatory capacity building



Hu Hao, Chen Xianwen, Shi Junnan and Carolina Ung Oi Lam (from left to right)







該研究由吳靄琳和澳大中華醫藥研究院教授胡豪、澳大中華醫藥研究院博士生時君楠和陳獻文共同撰寫。全文可參閱:2023年第四期中國食品藥品監管雜誌的 “本刊特稿”欄目

澳大持續推進監管科學相關領域的研究,該研究團隊此前已發表了諸多不同方向的監管科學研究成果,如通過不同科學模型分析先進國家發展和應用藥品監管科學的經驗(Shi et al., 2023)、分析澳門特別行政區藥品及醫療器械監管的發展和展望 (Yao et al., 2022)、在監管決策中整合真實世界證據研究(Li et al., 2021)、將監管科學應用於傳統中醫藥促進藥物規範化及科學化監管 (Liang et al., 2021) 等。


UM team’s research on international regulatory benchmarking systems helps promote drug regulatory capacity building

The research paper titled ‘Promoting the Modernization of Drug Regulatory System and Regulatory Capacity: International Experiences in Benchmarking Drug Regulatory Capacity’ by Carolina Ung Oi Lam, assistant professor of the Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences (ICMS) at the University of Macau (UM), and her research team, was published in the China Food & Drug Administration Magazine, an official publication of the National Medical Products Administration. The paper discusses the use of benchmarking, a method for continuous improvement of regulatory capacity, in the evaluation of drug regulation system. The team analysed the benchmarking indicator systems and tools used by various international regulatory agencies in pursuit of a guiding reference for drug regulatory capacity building. The paper was co-authored by Ung, Hu Hao, professor of ICMS, and Shi Junnan and Chen Xianwen, doctoral students of ICMS.

To read the news on UM’s official website, please visit the following link: