Storage upgrade of Network File Server from 10th to 11th June 2023
ICTO 資訊及通訊科技部
定期系統維護通告 Scheduled System Maintenance Notice | |
系統平台 System Platform |
網絡文件服務 Network File Server |
維護內容 Details |
儲存系統升級 Storage upgrade |
維護時段 Maintenance Period |
2023年6月10日 (星期六) 下午6:00 至6月11日(星期日) 下午2:00 10th June 2023 (Saturday) 6:00 pm to 11th June 2023 (Sunday) 2:00 pm |
受影響服務 Services affected |
在完成升級後,現有的檔案分享 Drive N 目錄路徑將有所改變,由原來的 “N:\DeptShare\<部門文件夾>” 上移一層至 “N:\<部門文件夾>”。我們會於 “N:\DeptShare\” 內創建捷徑,幫助用戶自動跳轉到新的文件夾目錄。如用戶曾於自己的電腦上自行創建捷徑,屆時需重新創建新捷徑,如有需要可聯絡我們的服務中心尋求協助。 如果未能打開上述網絡磁盤,請重新登入或重啟電腦以恢復連接。 During the upgrade period, the following network file service will be affected.
To minimize the service downtime, it will be carried out in two phases as following:
After the upgrade, the folder path on file sharing Drive N will be changed from the current “N:\DeptShare\” to “N:\”. We will create a shortcut in “N:\DeptShare\” so that users can access the new folder path automatically. If users have created a shortcut on their computer before, they will need to create it again. If necessary, please contact our Help Desk for assistance. If you cannot open the above network drives, please log in again or restart your computer to restore the connection. |
受影響用戶 Affected Users |
職員及學生 Staff and students |
聯絡方式 Contact Info. |
服務中心 Help Desk 位置 Location – E5 – 2085 (電子地圖 eMap) 電話Tel. – 8822 8600 電郵Email – |
在維護期間如有緊急查詢,請聯絡: 資訊及通訊科技部馬先生 ICTO Mr. Marco Ma |
敬希垂注!不便之處,敬請原諒! Thank you for your attention and sorry for any inconveniences caused.
資訊及通訊科技部 Information and Communication Technology Office