News Express: Dean of College of Science of Nanyang Technological University visits UM to deepen cooperation
宋永華(右)與Simon Redfern
Yonghua Song (right) and Simon Redfern
新加坡南洋理工大學理學院院長Simon Redfern訪問澳門大學,與澳大校長宋永華會談並到訪多個學術和科研單位,深化兩校交流合作。
訪問期間,宋永華與Simon Redfern就物理、化學、中醫藥、數學等領域的合作和人才培養進行了深入交流。澳大全球事務總監王瑞兵向Simon Redfern介紹了澳大的發展現況、科研佈局和國際化戰略。Simon Redfern還訪問了澳大應用物理及材料工程研究院、中華醫藥研究院和科技學院數學系,與各單位的負責人和教授討論了開展學生交換、博士生聯合培養和創新科研項目的合作方案。
宋永華今年4 月率團訪問新加坡南洋理工大學,是次Simon Redfern的回訪有助落實雙方的合作項目。澳大與南洋理工大學自2013年首次開展學生交換項目,多年來保持良好的聯繫和合作關係。雙方期望通過互訪推進更多元化、更深入的合作和交流。
Dean of College of Science of Nanyang Technological University visits UM to deepen cooperation
Simon Redfern, dean of the College of Science at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, recently visited the University of Macau (UM) and met with UM Rector Yonghua Song. During the meeting, Rector Song and Prof Redfern exchanged ideas on cooperation and talent development in areas such as physics, chemistry, Chinese medicine, and mathematics. Wang Ruibing, director of Global Affairs Office of UM, gave the guest an introduction to UM’s current development, research layout, and internationalisation strategy. Prof Redfern then visited UM’s Institute of Applied Physics and Materials Engineering (IAPME), Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences (ICMS), and Department of Mathematics of the Faculty of Science and Technology to explore opportunities for cooperation in student exchange, joint PhD student supervision, and innovative research projects with heads and professors of different units.
In April this year, Rector Song led a delegation to visit Nanyang Technological University. Prof Redfern’s visit to UM can help to implement cooperative projects between the two institutions. UM and Nanyang Technological University have maintained a good cooperative relationship since their first student exchange programme in 2013. Both sides look forward to establishing more diverse and in-depth collaborations and exchanges through mutual visits.
To read the news on UM’s official website, please visit the following link: