UM Cantonese Debating Team Is Now Recruiting New Members! (Deadline: 3 Feb 2023)
澳門大學廣東話辯論隊招新啦! (截止日期: 2023年2月3日)

- 免費參加本隊的訓練以及獲得辯論知識指導;
- 享有被推薦參加暑期交流計劃及獲取補貼的機會;
- 享有參與與本隊相關的校內外其他活動的機會;
- 每學年出席率達80%的團員可獲全人發展獎勵計劃400個Special A。
- 準時出席每週的常規訓練及賽前加練;
- 參加澳門大學辯論隊隊員的各項演出及比賽活動。
- 每週四和六晚上八點半至十點半,
- 比賽前安排的臨時加練,
- 具體訓練時間安訓會根據訓練進度及澳大校曆作出調整。
只要你滿腔熱血、積極上進、具責任感且能說流利廣東話,就不用再猶豫。 如果你有疑問或者還有很多顧慮,那可以先來我們《奇葩説》胡漸彪廣東話辯論介紹課瞭解更多信息。 胡漸彪老師 – 馬來亞大學榮譽文學士,米果文化副董事長;積極推動了國際華語辯論發展,出席過「奇葩說」、「我是演說家」等節目,也是「好好說話」主創團隊成員。 日期:2023年2月4日(星期六) 時間:17:00
如有任何疑問, 歡迎辦公時間致電領隊蘇小姐(+853)88229909 或 微信 sandysou! 期待你們的加入!!! 澳門大學廣東話辯論

- Join our training and gain the instructions of debating skills for free.
- Enjoy the chances to be recommended to take part in the Summer Programmes and get subsidies.
- Enjoy the chances to take part in various activities and competitions regarding to UMCDT.
- Those whose attendance is over 80% throughout the whole academic year can get 400 Special A in Whole Person Development Award Programme.
Members’ Obligation
- Attend weekly regular training and additional training before the competition.
- Take part in the competitions and performances hosted by UMCDT.
Training Time
- 20:30 to 22:30 of every Thursday and Saturday night.
- Additional training before competition.
- Specific training time will be adjusted due to training progress and UM Calendar.
Requirement We require you to have team spirit and a sense of responsibility. You need to have an interest in Cantonese Debating and ensure to participate in our weekly training. Application (Deadline: 3 Feb 10:00 am)
If you have any queries, you can contact Ms. Sandy Sou through +85388229909 or wechat: sandysou during office hours. UM Cantonese Debating Team