“Orbis Raffle 2023” Lucky Draw Result


Dear colleagues and students,

Kindly be reminded that the lucky draw result of Orbis Raffle 2023 is released on Orbis Macau’s Official website.

All the winners need to collect the prizes by August 18 and will be forfeited if not collected. For the full list of the lucky draw result and details of the prize redemption arrangement, please visit: (only Chinese available)

Best regards,
Public Relations Section, Communications Office



所有得獎者須於8 月18 日或之前領取獎品,逾期作廢。如欲查詢抽獎結果名單及領獎安排,請瀏覽 : https://mac.orbis.org/zh-hant/news/timable-events/raffle23_chi/moraffle22_result-2

傳訊部公共關係處 謹啟