Highlights of CO PR Workshop Series: Sharing on Media Promotional Strategies by the Director and Deputy Director of the Communications and Public Relations Office of CUHK




To enable members of the University PR Task Force (UPRTF) to have a better understanding of the media promotion strategies in the era of new media, the Communications Office (CO) invited Lavender Cheung, director of the Communications and Public Relations Office of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), and Gary Cheung, deputy director of the Communications and Public Relations Office of CUHK, to be the speakers at the PR workshop held at UM on 14 July and exchange views with the members of the UPRTF and other colleagues.

Established in 2010, the UPRTF consists of 80 members, all of whom are appointed by their respective units to work in public relations, media relations, and reception. Their role is to act as a bridge of communication between different units.



The following are the snapshots of the workshop: