UM Cantonese Debating Team won the friendly debating contest with The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong
On July 22, the Cantonese Debating Team of the University of Macau held a friendly debate competition between UM and HSU at the Student Activity Center E31 (1001). The purpose of this debating competition was to have a friendly match with the debating team from Hang Seng University of Hong Kong, in order to improve the debating skills of both teams.
The topic of the debate competition was “Whether the Me too movement has more advantages then disadvantages for gender equality. The affirmative team of University of Macau dispatched the main debater Wong Pui Lam, a second-year student from Faculty of Arts and Humanities and Moon Chun Memorial College; Hong Sam Ieng as the first debater, a fourth-year student from Faculty of Law and Moon Chun Memorial College; Lei Kam In as the second debater a first-year student from Faculty of Science and Technology and Henry Fok Pearl Jubilee College. Hoi Sin Teng as the concluding debater from Faculty of Law and Cheong Kun Lun College.
The affirmative team indicated that the MeToo movement has brought significant changes to gender equality. They argued that the current situation proves the effectiveness of the MeToo movement in solving issues of inequality, promoting voices, and advancing gender equality. The negative team claimed that the movement will cause online trials and chaos, and that it only helps the weak rather than achieving gender equality for all.
The result of the debate was 3:0 in favor of the affirmative team from the University of Macau. The Best Debater Award was awarded to Hoi Sin Teng as the concluding debater from Faculty of Law and Cheong Kun Lun College.