UM PR Student Ambassadors Programme is now open for applications! (Deadline: 30 Aug)
澳大學生公關大使計劃現正接受報名! (截止日期:8月30日)

Dear students,
We are now recruiting a new cohort of UM PR Student Ambassadors! We cordially invite you to join us! If you fulfill the criteria below, you will have the opportunity to become part of our team:
- a full-time UM student
- Outgoing, courteous, willing to try new things and make friends, and good at expressing ideas
- Fluent in Cantonese, English and Mandarin
- Have a strong sense of responsibility and enjoy working with others
Deadline for application: 30 August 2023 (Wed)
For enquiries, please contact Ms Licca Chui or Ms Wini Ngan of the Public Relations Section, Communications Office at Tel: 8822 4335 or Email:
Warmest regards,
Public Relations Section, Communications Office
- 澳大全職學生
- 個性外向、友善、喜歡交朋友、嘗試新事物及善於表達己見
- 流利廣東話、英語及普通話
- 有責任感、積極參與、投入度高
報名截止日期:2023年8月30日 (星期三)
如有垂詢,請聯絡傳訊部公共關係處崔小姐/ 顏小姐 (電話:8822 4335或電郵 。
傳訊部公共關係處 謹啟