UM English Debating Team is now recruiting new members! (Application deadline: 13 August 2023)



Given 7 minutes, can you convince people and change their mind? This is what debaters do. Debaters are asked to solve problems, make complex judgments while balancing values, do cost-benefit analysis in just 15 minutes, and being open to different opinions. If you want something unique from your university experience, you will find it in UM EDT.

Why you should choose UM EDT?
1. We are part of a supportive community dedicated to give you a voice and a critical-thinking mind.
2. We have professional coaches and lecturers with a proven training system.
3. We provide twice per week training sessions.
4. UM EDT provides ample opportunity for team members to debate in tournaments and participate in workshops.

As one of the best debating teams in Asia, UM English Debating Team takes pride in its debaters who represent the school, and winners are frequently praised on the school news board.

Here you will have the opportunity to grow your reasoning skills with sufficient strategy and work to win against any arguments while winning TROPHIES and CERTIFICATES for your achievements. Post-pandemic, you will have the opportunity to travel around China for tournaments, with a plethora opportunity to debate in online tournaments worldwide! Worried about too much competition? Worry not, there are many novice tournaments exclusive to novices, and pro-am tournaments to pair-up with an experienced senior. 

Through debating you will be able to learn more about the world through history and current events, this will also allow you to stay out of your comfort zone and try out different perspectives. UM EDT is also a family for you to make friends with lots of interesting people, and you will have great chemistry with a partner. Don’t be afraid to try something new and join a team that will help you with the future!

If you are interested, please scan the below QR code and be sure to apply online by 13 August 2023 (Sun). Or you can register in-person at E31 G/F on 16 & 17 Aug 2023 (Wed & Thu). 

Application link:

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For any inquiries, please contact Ms. Sou from Student Resources Section by 8822-9909.

Thank you for your attention!

Student Affairs Office | Student Resources Section

給你 7 分鐘,你能說服別人並改變他們的想法嗎?這就是辯論。辯手需要在短短的 15 分鐘內解決辯題相關的問題、做出合理的判斷,同時平衡價值觀、進行成本效益分析,並對不同意見持開放態度。如果你想從大學生活中獲得一些獨特的東西,你可以在澳大英語辯論隊 (UM EDT) 中找到。

為什麼要選擇 UM EDT?

  1. 我們是一個關懷包容的社群,在幫助成員提高思辨能力的同時也提供有趣好玩的團建活動。
  2. 我們有專業的教練和世界一流的講師,通過成熟的培訓體系幫助你個人成長。
  3. 我們提供每周兩次的培訓課程。
  4. UM EDT 為成員提供大量的參加國內外辯論賽和工作坊機會。



請掃描以下QR code報名(網上報名2023年8月13日前;線下報名2023年8月16-17日於E31 G/F):




學生事務部 | 學生資源處