UM Cantonese Debating Team Is Now Recruiting New Members! (Application deadline: 30 September 2023)

澳門大學廣東話辯論隊正在招新隊員! (截止日期:2023年9月30日)



· 免費參加本隊的訓練以及獲得辯論知識指導。
· 享有被推薦參加暑期交流計劃及獲取補貼的機會。
· 享有參與與本隊相關的校內外其他活動的機會。
· 每學年出席率達80%的團員可獲全人發展獎勵計劃400個Special A。

· 準時出席每週的常規訓練及賽前加練。
· 參加澳門大學辯論隊隊員的各項演出及比賽活動。

· 每週四和六晚上八點半至十點半。
· 比賽前安排的臨時加練。
· 具體訓練時間安排會根據訓練進度及澳大校曆作出調整。






學生事務部 | 學生資源處

Introduction to UM Cantonese Debating Team
The Cantonese Debating Team of University of Macau (UMCDT) aims to promote Cantonese debating activities. With constant connections to universities and institutes, secondary schools, academic organizations and debating enthusiasts in Macau, Hong Kong and Mainland China, the UMCDT organizes various competitions, conferences and workshops in order to promote cooperation and interaction of Cantonese debating culture and motivate the development of debating and speech culture.

Since its establishment in 1982, the Cantonese Debating Team wasted no time to provide members with actual chances in debating, with the specific aim of improving their debating abilities and skills and understanding the debating culture in a better way. Every year, the UMCDT not only represents the University of Macau for debating competitions between institutes and universities in Macau and Hong Kong, but also actively cooperates with Hong Kong universities to hold different Cantonese debating competitions, including the one with the University of Hong Kong, the one with the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, the one with the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and the one with the Education University of Hong Kong, which provide a platform for debating teams of both cities to interchange debating experience and for team members to learn from each other.

Welfare and Obligation of UMCDT Members
Those who are officially admitted to the UMCDT can enjoy the following welfare:
– Join our training and gain the instructions of debating skills for free.
– Enjoy the chances to be recommended to take part in the Summer Programmes and get subsidies.
– Enjoy the chances to take part in various activities and competitions regarding UM CDT.
– Those whose attendance is over 80% throughout the whole academic year can get 400 Special A in Whole Person Development Award Programme.

Members’ Obligation
-Attend weekly regular training and additional training before competitions.
– Take part in the competitions and performances hosted by UMCDT.

Training Time
– 20:30 to 22:30 every Thursday and Saturday night.
– Additional training before competitions.
l Specific training time will be adjusted due to training progress and UM Calendar.

We require you to have team spirit and a sense of responsibility. You need to have interest in Cantonese Debating and ensure to participate in our weekly training.

Apply Method
Please enter the link below. You may also search and like our Facebook page, “UMCDT” for more information. The deadline for application is 30 September 2023.


UMCDT Facebook page:

UMCDT Instragram:

For any inquiries, please contact Ms. Sou from Student Resources Section by 8822-9909.

Thank you for your attention!

Student Affairs Office | Student Resources Section